"What's happening?"
"Nothing, Amalgamous. Sit down." Megatron said as he walked in and saw her with her feet dangling off the side of the bed. She was now fully dressed in her regular clothes, making him frown. "Nah, something's going on. I wanna see." Amal said, standing up and walking toward the door.
Megatron grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks. Amal turned her head and glared at him. "I'll fight my way out of here if I have to." She threatened and the Warlord narrowed his eyes at her as he thought for a moment.
He let go of her arm. "Fine. But you stay close to me." He told her and the girl grinned as he turned around to go out the door. She jumped onto his back, wincing in pain as she did so. The Decepticon leader grumbled but still continued out the door.
Amal placed her chin atop of his shoulder and pressed her cheek against his. "Thanks Buckethead." She said and he rolled his eyes.
"Whatever fleshy."
Watching the dot get closer, Amal frowned as she thought. While she was used to her fair share of crash landing Decepticon ships filled with allies, this one wasn't in a ship, nor was it labeled Autobot or Decepticon. It was strange.
"We have our defenses ready, Optimus." The General said as Amal broke her gaze from the computer to turn around and watch them. Optimus nodded as Megatron approached next to him.
"Then we shall prepare ours." Optimus said before turning to the Cybertronians all looking at him in his Holoform's. Optimus looked at the map for a second before tearing his gaze back once again.
"Autobots...!" He said and paused for a second while Amal approached next to Megatron and Starscream. She frowned at she saw the autobot leader glance at them.
"Decepticons...roll out!"
"It's a few miles out. Ready yourself, men!" The general yelled as Amal approached next to him. "It's probably not necessary for your men to be out here so ready. The Cybertronians can handle whatever it is with ease." Amal told him and he glanced up at her from the tablet he held that showed the coordinates of the Cybertronian approaching the Pentagon.
"Well, until we know what this thing is, and who's side it's one, we'll take all the precautions we need in order to protect this base." He told the blonde haired girl and she shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." She said before glancing at the tablet. He handed it to her, mumbling a "go nuts." Before walking over Optimus in his alt mode.
Amalgamous stared at the dot getting closer, taping on it and a side bar pulled up, recording a staggering 700 mph. Amal frowned, wondering why no one ever mentioned the ability to see that.
When suddenly she realized what the dot was.
"Wait! Stand down! Don't shoot!"
The soldiers all looked at her weird, some looking suddenly hesitant until the General angrily spun around to look at Amal running past the Cybertronians that stood in front of everyone.
"Amalgamous! Get back here!" Megaton yelled but Amal ignored them. "I know what it is! I know who it is!" She shouted back as she suddenly saw a figure in the clouds flying toward them.
"Amal..." Optimus said wearily as she grinned widely and stopped in the middle of the field, throwing her hands up as the figure dive down toward them and the Autobots suddenly whipped out their weapons with optics wide with fear and the humans aimed their guns.

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...