"No way!" Breakdown laughed, scooping her up. "Tell me you didn't!" The Blue Decepticon said. "Deadass, spent my time there as their friend. And I didn't come back empty handed." Amal said, hoping down from Breakdown's servo back onto the controls.
She pulled the gadgets out of her pockets and threw them, activating her reverse effect for the shrinkage. The objects enlarged, and the Decepticons stared at them in pure shock.
"Everything single Autobot and Decepticon weapons they had in storage. Taken by yours truly without them suspecting a single thing." Amal said. "The fragging spark extractor. I haven't seen this in ages!" Breakdown said, picking up up carefully and putting it somewhere else so it wouldn't be set off.
"Apex armor, the sword of the fallen..." Starscream mumbled as he knelt down to them. "I can't believe it." Knockout said, smirking with pride for her friend. Amal grinned. "Only the best could pull it off!" The blonde haired girl said, beaming proudly.
Megatron laughed, picking up the young girl in a swift motion and holding her up. "Amalgamous, you never seize to amaze us!" The warlord said with a chuckle. Amal hopped onto his shoulder, standing tall on it.
"See, I told you I could come in handy in the field." Amal said to her best friend, making him chuckle again. "Indeed you have proven that, Amal." He said, patting her head with one digit. Amal grinned, her heart swelling with pride.
"Breakdown, help Starscream take all of our valuables to the vault. I want to make sure no Autobots ever get their servos on them again!" Megatron ordered. "With pleasure, boss." Breakdown said as he picked up a few with Starscream and walked out.
"Oh Amalgamous, how never seize to impress me." Megatron said, giving a small smile. Amal shrugged as she tried to hide her grin. "Its nothing. Just doing what I thought would be right." The blonde dragged her foot sheepishly across the floor as she glanced down.
"Come, I think this causes for some celebration, as you humans put it." Megatron said as he held his servo out to her. Amal hopped onto it. "What're we doing?" She asked. "Whatever you choose." Megatron said. Amal lit up, a million ideas going through her mind immediately.
It wasn't rare for Megatron to award Amal for her bravery or smartness, but it was rare for him to tag along with whatever shenanigan she chose to do.
"I have something in mind."
"If I win, I get half the black Energon in your room?"
"That's a deal."
"You're so fucking on, Buckethead."
And with that, Amal finished the last bit of her fourth burger and started of the fifth. Across from her, Megaton's holoform rolled his eyes at her as he slowly and calmly ate his third burger, watching Amal scarf down hers. "It's not how fast to eat them, you know." Megatron commented. "I know, I'm just hungry." Amal said, shrugging as she took a sip of her drink.
"I've missed these burgers so much, they're like made from heaven." Amal said, grinning happily as she took another bite of her burger. Megatron nodded, glancing out the window. It was practically pitch black, since it was 1 in the morning now, and it was in the middle of a small town in Texas.
"I wish they had Whataburger on the ship. That'd be pretty cool."
Amal stared outside, slowing down on her eating as she was zoning out, listening to the silence around her and enjoying the peace that she could never get on the Nemesis.
"I'm calling it quits." Amal said, breaking the silence of about 15 minutes after she had finished her ninth burger. Megatron chuckled, finishing off his twelfth, tossing the wrapper of the burger into the garbage nearby. "Weak." He teased Amal, making her roll her eyes.
"I'll get that Energon one way or another." Amal said, making it Megatron's turn to roll his eyes. "Sure you will." He commented as he finished off his drink and tossed it in the trash can as well. Amal finished her fries and drink before they both stood up and exited the Whataburger.
"What next, my fleshing friend?" Megatron asked. Amal hummed in thought as she stuffed her hands in her pockets on her jacket. "I just wanna drive." She said with a shrug. "Really? Come all this way to just drive?" Megatron asked, giving her a frown.
Amal nodded. "I get tired of flying sometimes." She said truthfully. "I'm hurt." Megatron said as he rested a hand on his chest. Amal chuckled as she whacked his arm playfully.
They approached Megatron's vehicle form, a silver Ram truck, lifted with LED headlights, and Amal climbed into the passenger seat. As soon as she was buckled up, Megatron sped off, letting Amal stick her head in the wind rushing past them and blast music as loud as she wanted so the whole world could know that there was nothing that could compare to Amalgamous and nothing that could stop her from being who she was.
"Do you miss Cybertron?"
"Everyday." Megatron responded as the two of them stared up at the star filled sky. They were laying in the bed of the truck, on their back with Amal's head above Megatron's, leaning on the top of his head.
"What would you trade to get it back?" Amal asked. "Almost everything." Megatron answered simply. "Almost?" Amal questioned. She felt Megatron nod to confirm her question. "Like what?"
"I'd trade the Nemesis, my army...all the Energon we have...all the burgers I have to offer..." Amal chuckled at that comment. "I wouldn't trade Knockout though, I think I need her to stay alive more than I need my own spark." Megatron said and the two chuckled.
"Breakdown, I need him for some heavy damage, and someone to play a good poker game with." Megatron continued, pursuing his holoform's lips in thought. "Soundwave...she's been my friend for so long, there's no way I'd trade her for anything." Megatron said, his optics blinking as he sighed.
"And Starscream?"
"On a good day, I wouldn't."
Amal hit his arm as he chuckled. "Now, you." Megatron looked up at Amal. "I'd toss you into the well of allsparks faster than—" Amal hit him hard, rolling her eyes as she sat up. Megatron let out a laugh, sitting up as well.
"Only joking, Amalgamous."
"You definitely need me." Amal commented. Megatron rolled his optics. "Egotistical." He said, making Amal narrow her eyes. "Oh that's it." She said before throwing a punch. Megatron caught it, twisting her arm.
Amal rolled into the twist, bringing herself to her feet and yanking Megatron out of the truck bed. He yelped in surprise, landing on his aft a few feet from the truck. Amal panted slightly, smirking down at him.
"You're getting sloppy." She said. Megatron growled. "The hell I am." He said, standing up and holding up his fist. "If I was in my alt form, you'd be getting your aft kicked." Megatron said as Amal hopped down from the truck bed and circled him with her fist up.
"But I know how to fight Cybertronian like that, you're still learning how to fight the human way." Amal said before kicking his feet out from underneath him. Megatron landed with a thud, grunting.
"C'mon Megsy. Up and at 'em."
Megatron shot up, throwing a kick. Amal caught it, but Megatron filled horizontally and kicked into her head, making her be thrown to the side.
"How's that for sloppy?" Megatron asked as Amal got up. "Decent." Amal said before the fighting continued, both of them sharing a few laughs between as they made a few sloppy moves.
What wasn't known to the two was somebody returned to the Nemesis, with new experiments and new ideas, waiting for Megaton's audio receptors to hear. But it would have to wait until his guard wasn't down.

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...