There was no other time in the world more than at the moment when Amal walked back into the base, and all optics locked onto her, that she wanted to be able to teleport back to the Nemesis and hide forever.
For the first time since she was young, Amalgamous felt weak. She felt like when she was young and the Decepticons had to leave for missions, the feeling of scared ness of them not returning or abandoning her. The once thoughts that haunted her had returned when she stepped through the groundbridge.
Amal swallowed hard and shifted uncomfortably, rubbing her arm. Bulkhead looked at them. "Maybe we should let her—" "—no... it's okay Bulk. You guys deserve to hear it." Amal cut off the wrecker, looking up at the Autobots.
Ratchet had already begun working on Optimus and Arcee's wounds, since they were the worst, but that didn't stop the two from looking at the human girl and listening in. "What's something else we didn't deserve to hear in the first place?" Arcee asked bitterly, glaring at the girl and the Decepticons that approached next to her.
"Something that you Autobots wouldn't understand." Megatron snarled in return, making Amal shoot him a look. "You could've mentioned she's not human." Arcee snapped while wincing at Ratchet's touch on her burns.
"I am human."
"No human could do that to a Dinobot."
Amal sighed in disappointment of herself, looking glum suddenly. "I'm not completely human, I guess. I mean I was born human, but—" "but what? How the hell did you even dent that Dinobot?" Arcee cut her off angrily.
Amal suddenly grew angry the more Arcee pushed her with unanswered questions. The anger was red hot, like it had been held in all the years since...the incident. And now, for the first time in Amal's life, it was threatening to spill.
"How the hell are you not full human?"
That question made Amal finally looked at Arcee, fist clenched and teeth gritting while the Decepticons glared at the Autobots for the first time since they made their deal. Full of pure hatred as they remembered. And with that question, Amal finally snapped.
"I'm not full human, because of Optimus Prime."
And all the attention turned to the red and blue mech now.

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...