"Now what are we supposed to do with a human sparkling?"
"A baby!"
"A what?"
Knockout rolled her optics. "The humans call their young babies." She told the Warlord, who scoffed. "Whatever, Knockout. I just don't understand why we had to take this...thing."
"This thing can be used for good. We could understand human anatomy."
"Why would we want to know that?"
"Reasons. I'm a Doctor, I learn about this kind of stuff, it's in my degree." Knockout said, placing a hand on her hip. "And you need to learn how to adapt to new things. If we're gonna be circling this dirt sphere, we're gonna have to learn a thing or two if we wanna blend in." The Decepticon doctor said, jabbing her leader with a rod.
He swatted it away in annoyance. "'Blend in'? We're giants compared to these puny thing, how do you suppose we'll blend in?" Megatron asked as the door to the observation room opened and Breakdown came in quickly.
"Where's the thingy?"
"What thingy? This?" Knockout motioned to the baby on the gigantic table, who cooed happily as soon as Knockout stepped aside and she saw Megatron. Megatron grimaced in annoyance.
"Oh. My. Primus. Boss, we're keeping it."
"No. We are not." Megatron said as Breakdown approached the baby and gushed. "Look at it! I would cut out my optic to keep that thing safe!" He exclaimed as he waved a digit in front of the tiny human. The human giggled and reached out for it and Breakdown got even more excited.
"This thing is cuter than sparkling...man, I miss sparklings." The blue mech mumbled as he retracted his servo and the baby cooed at him. Knockout rolled her optics with a slight smirk before looking back at the warlord.
"We will blend in, by being one of them."
Megatron looked confused. "Knockout...did a screw come lose when we went through the groundbridge?" Knockout scoffed. "I mean, we make human versions of our own selves." Both her sparkmate and leader looked confused and she vented heavily, pinching between her optics.
"Like, tiny humans that we can appear in. Transform into, actually."
"Can our T-Cog do that?"
"What can it not do?" Breakdown said and Megatron nodded in agreement after thinking about it for a moment. "But, don't you need a full size human? I don't think we'll do good in a form like—" Breakdown poked the baby gently, and it giggled. "—this. Though I would be ten times cuter." Knockout rolled her optics.
"Uh huh. Sure, sweetspark."
"Hey! I'm adorable!"
"Knockout, report on your progress."
"Well, in the two days I've had to study her—"
"—her? Oh great."
Knockout raised an optic ridge as she turned to the warlord. "What's the problem?" She asked as he approached her. "Having one attitude ridden femme on this ship is enough." He mumbled.
"Soundwave isn't that bad—ohhhhhhh, you aft."
Megatron gave a small grin as Knockout smacked him on the arm with her tablet. "Anyways, in your two days of studying her?" Knockout glared at him for one more moment before hugging and straightening up.

Rise | Transformers Prime fanfic
Fanfiction"Don't be surprised, I will still rise!" - Before Agent Fowler, Jack, Miko, and Raf met the Autobots and saw what the Decepticons were capable of, there was a girl who knew about all sides and the history of their war before them. - Amalgamous, foun...