Fond of You (Dazushi)

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(This is a werewolf x hunter AU :) except Atsushi's still a tiger ;-;)

(Mentions of guns, bloody wounds, maggots, stitches, animal corpses)

Word Count: 7644


This was all one big mistake. Atsushi's mind spun, his vision and hearing foggy as the pain set in, striking throughout his entire body as he cried out in pure agony.

"Make sure you're back in time for dinner, ok? And don't go anywhere near the wall. I don't want you getting yourself hurt." Chuuya huffed. He'd already begun dinner so, Atsushi wasn't really sure how much time he had left to be outside.

It's not like he was a child or anything. Atsushi lived with a few people. Chuuya, Kyouka, Akutagawa and... well, they *used* to live with Tanizaki.

Ever since the mentioned red head disappeared over the wall, he'd never been seen or heard of again. A tiger should never ever stray over that wall. Despite how evil and cruel humans made weretigers out to be in the history books, humans were the real monsters.

"I promise I will!" Atsushi said. Truthfully. He planned to be back before dinner was ready. He had the nose to know when.

The white haired male didn't really get dressed properly to go adventuring, if you will. A loosely tied robe. That was pretty much standard attire for their 'kind' anyways. There were hardly any of their kind left. It made the wall feel- so stupid. If anyone was out there, they were wild. Or apart of a different village.

Atsushi hummed happily as he skipped through the forest. He love the feeling of the wet grass beneath his feet, the cold moist dirt that made a soft thud with every step. Every time he heard a rustle, it would always be something of a bunny, a squirrel maybe. So when he heard one this time, he completely ignored it.

Unfortunately for Atsushi, one of those wild weretigers who didn't live in a village seemed to be taking refuge in the forest. And it was quite the violent weretiger. Atsushi never blamed wild weretigers. They didn't have a proper way of growing up. They didn't know any better than to kill anything that moves.

Atsushi skipped all the way to the wall, sighing. God... he wished one day he'd come back and find Tanizaki had come back over the edge. But it had been.. years. There's no chance of that happening. He knew that now.

He put a hand to the wall, listening in. Thick, full of stone. No cracks. He brushed his fingers against the smooth stone. So cold.. not a nice cold, like the cold under his feet whenever he walked into the forest.

Another rustle from behind. He turned. No rabbit or animal. Ah, maybe it was a wildlife too shy to show itself? He personally loved wildlife. There were very few vegetarian weretigers out there; Atsushi was one of them.

"..." He knelt down, tilting his head to the side as he examined the bush that had moved, and was still moving. He was always used to something jumping out. A bunny. Squirrel. Anything.

But he was never prepared for something violent to jump out. His eyes widened as suddenly a bloodied, scratched, and bruised figure lunges towards him. It was— quite the sight. He was frozen in shock for a moment.

The creature looked as if it was in the morph stage between switching into a werewolf or human being. Half human body that changed into weretiger arms and legs, even the bottom half of his face. It was odd— and the scratches, open wounds, bruises— it was obviously a wild werewolf.

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