Compensation (Soukoku)(Shibufyo)

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Word Count: 4405

Warnings: very light nsfw


Fyodor stepped into the tavern, eyes searching warily for his partner. He carried a lot of gear on him, for today would be the day he and his partner faced dragons. He hummed and spotted familiar fluffy brown hair at a booth by the window, making his way over to the brunette. "Hello, Dazai." He smiled and sat down across from him.

Dazai was equipped with satchels full of smaller things like daggers, potions, etc. In front of him, he had a simple glass of water. "Hello, Demon Fyodor." He smiled playfully. "Do you think we've packed enough for this mission?" He hummed, tilting his head. "This is a dangerous feat. No one has ever dared to go near that place before."

The place in particular was a very large fortress, that was full of gems and gold and housed by two dragons. One, a dark red dragon that breathed fire and had golden scales scattered along its body. The other was a crystal scaled-dragon, as white as snow with red eyes, larger than the other dragon but both similar in size. No one had ever gone in. It was too dangerous. However, if they could even get a spec of the money there, the gems- the wealth.. "We packed adequately, I believe."

"Last time I felt this anxious was when we met." Dazai chuckled. Ah yes, Fyodor would never forget how the two met. Fyodor and Dazai had both been kicked out of their houses when very little. Around eight years or old or so. Dazai shared the cardboard box and blanket he had with Fyodor, and the two became close friends. They began to work as adventurers. They learned to fight to survive. The tavern had a bulletin board with requests for bounties. That's how they had learned of the dragons. But their priority was not to kill them, simply to steal enough money.

Fyodor and Dazai both ended up being able to afford a run down apartment by themselves with money when they were eighteen. They both became very well known in their down for being able to complete any task given. They weren't rich by any means. They were much too scared to spend their money, in fear of it disappearing and resulting in them having to live on the streets again.

However, this money they'd steal from the dragons would be money they spent. Fyodor would get surgery, to cure a horrible mistake made at birth. Dazai would be able to buy a dress. He's always wanted a dress. But they weren't fit for adventures, so they only bought adventuring gear. This would be a one time thing for them.

Dazai finished his drink. "Let's go." He smiled, and stood up. Fyodor nodded and did the same, and the two left the tavern. The walk was a few day's worth. "We'll be the first to have ever gone in, you know. That'll make us legends."

"I have no use for legends." Fyodor stated, Russian accent thick. "Legends only benefit those who start them, because you only become a legend once you die. We are worth more dead than we are alive. The world is cruel in this sense. They'll worship us when we've passed, knowing full well they treated us like dirt beneath their shoes when we were amongst the living." He murmured.

"You really are a downer, aren't you?" Dazai sighed, chuckling to himself. "Well, I'd like to be remembered. If you're remembered by anyone, then you never truly die. That's what I believe."

"No one can escape death." Fyodor said simply. "There will be a point in time when we are forgotten. That won't change anything about our status once deceased."

"No fun." Dazai groaned. "Fine, then what do you want? What would satisfy you in life?" He crossed his arms. It's not like Dazai only wanted to live to be turned into a legend, but it was certainly a plus. He also simply loved adventuring. He felt it gave him a purpose, and he got to see many places people older than him didn't.

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