I Remember (Dazushi)

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Warning: spice, wounds

Word count: 4014


Atsushi slowly opened his eyes, sitting up. It was.. seven am. Time to get up and go to work. He looked at the date. Oh— it was his birthday today! He hadn't even noticed yesterday. And no one had said a thing about it. Huh. He tilted his head and just got up and got ready for work.

It's not like the weretiger ever expected anything big for his birthday, of course. In fact, he was fairly sure there wasn't a single year at the orphanage where they celebrated his birthday. He sighed, and after taking a shower, dried off and got dressed. Just getting 'Happy Birthday' from his coworkers would be really nice. Yeah. That's all Atsushi wanted today. No extra breaks, no day off from work though that seemed to be what a lot of people got for their birthday here. He just wanted to be told Happy Birthday by someone who didn't hate him and his entire existence.

He finished up getting dressed and left his apartment, heading to the office. It was odd for him to be able to actually get up so early in the morning. But hey, guess the excitement from turning 19 today did it! He entered the office, seeing Kunikida at his desk as always. "Good Morning, Kunikida!" Atsushi greeted him as he always did.

"Finally on time for once." The other huffed, pushing up his glasses as he continued rapidly typing on the computer.

Atsushi stood there for a few seconds before the smile from his face faded to a blank look, as he walked back to his desk. The blonde was all about schedules and dates and such. He thought that if anybody would remember his birthday, it would've been him. Maybe- he did and just didn't normally say happy birthday to people? No, because he did with Yosano, Dazai— he did with everyone.

Atsushi tapped his fingers on the desk as he began his written reports for the day. Kenji soon showed up, and they exchanged friendly happy good mornings. And Atsushi watched as he happily walked away after that. He rested his head on his hand. Maybe they didn't know it? But he definitely told them...

Yosano arrived a few short seconds after Kenji, simply waving to everyone before disappearing. No happy birthday.

Atsushi knew it was just is birthday, and it felt stupid and dumb, but he really did feel sad that by the time everyone got to the Agency, with the exception of Dazai, who was always hours late, no one had said happy birthday to him. Or even acknowledged that today might be a special day. Did they really all forget about it? Atsushi frowned, sighing. His happy mood... completely ruined. How could Ranpo not even know? He knew everything.

Was Atsushi's birthday just that insignificant..? But still, this birthday was better than any other one he experienced at the orphanage. Even if... everybody forgot. At least he wasn't being brutally punished and tortured for simply being born. He rested his chin on the desk and sighed as he read over a file.

Man... Atsushi thought that he didn't have his hopes up at all when all he expected was Happy Birthday. It was just two words. That's really all he wanted. It could be from anybody. As long as it was friendly and genuinely happy that he managed to push himself through another year.

About two or three hours later is when Dazai finally showed up. "Good~ morn~ ing~!" He chimed loudly in a singing tune, seeming a lot happier than usual.

"There you are! It took you long enough!" The blonde huffed and began to yell about a schedule and how important it was to be on time.

Atsushi lifted his head from his desk with a defeated sigh. He didn't really expect the brunette to say a thing about it either. He looked so gloomy... he just continued writing reports. He did feel eyes on him. "..?" He frowned and looked up at Dazai, who seemed confused. Or- disappointed..? "Uhm.. yeah?" Atsushi was wondering if he needed something.

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