Accidental Expiriment (Shibufyo)

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Word Count: 2646

Warnings: NSFW


"What are you doing here?" Shibusawa's heart is caught in his throat. He checks the clock; Perhaps this is a funny little coincidence, and his text subject will be here soon. But it was ten minutes after when they'd scheduled this. And he had yet to enter the room. He feels a bead of sweat roll down his forehead, but he doesn't allow nervousness in his voice. Instead, only curiosity.

Fyodor removed his white lab coat and hung it up, looking over to Shibusawa. "Dazai caught a cold." He said simply. "He asked me to stand in for him today. I hope that's not too much of a problem. We have the same height and weight." The Russian stated.

Shibusawa and Fyodor were scientists. They invented things, whether it be medicine, machinery, etc. Shibusawa had designed an intricate .. sex machine. Dazai agreed to be his test subject; The deal was that Shibusawa would leave, and come back an hour later. And Dazai would tell him the results and how it felt. Shibusawa didn't exactly want his experiments to be public. He wasn't particularly shy, but there was a judgmental view of sexual related things. To make it worse.. Fyodor had caught the eye of said scientist.

Fyodor was a scientist that worked in the medical field revolving animals. He detested lab rats; Rats were living beings that should not be tested on. Perhaps that is what led him to volunteer and accept in Dazai's stead; He didn't want Shibusawa to test whatever this was on a rat. Fyodor had no idea what this creation was, but it seemed serious given Shibusawa's reaction. "If I am an unfit candidate, I'm sure Dazai will be back tomorrow as good as new." Fyodor stated.

Shibusawa swallowed thickly, and calmed himself down, shaking his head. "No.. you will do just fine." Shibusawa knew that he probably shouldn't test a machine on someone who he had feelings for. It was perverted and selfish. Then Shibusawa remembers that he's perverted and selfish and doesn't care. "Are you aware of the kind of testing you'll be doing today?"

Fyodor shakes his head. "Dazai did not give me any information on it, no." He walked up to Shibusawa, looking up at him. Fyodor's eyes were a beautiful, crimson red. Shibusawa often studied jewels and stones when he wasn't inventing machines. His eyes were comparable to a ruby.. or perhaps a garnet? Maybe a dark sardonyx. "What will I be testing?"

"A machine that would act in the place of a lack of a sexual partner." Shibusawa puts his arms behind his back, stating the machine's purpose in the most professional way he could think of. Fyodor's brain takes a moment to register his words and his face gains a slight heat.

"I see.." Fyodor had never had the need for sexual activities or intimacy. However.. something created with the beautiful, skilled hands of Tatsuhiko Shibusawa.. "That'll be fine." He shrugged. Shibusawa was surprised and felt like he was on the edge of his seat.

"Very well. Strip." Shibusawa didn't need Fyodor to strip anything. The machine can easily shift its way under his clothing. And yet, he's a perverted scientist in love with one person, who's the only person he's perverted with. And he's a little selfish. And he also wants to appreciate and examine what beauty Fyodor had hidden behind clothing.

"Y-You require me fully and completely naked?" Fyodor frowned, his hand subconsciously resting on his own chest; Something he kept hidden and did not want to show. Even if it was for someone as magnificent as Shibusawa. Said scientist examined Fyodor, wondering why he suddenly seemed a little nervous. Perhaps nervousness in this situation was normal, but not for someone like Fyodor. Fyodor Dostoyevsky was never nervous, and yet..

"You may keep your undergarments on." Shibusawa decided, definitely not wanting Fyodor to back down. He didn't want to lose this very precious opportunity. "Though I can't promise that they'll be on at the end of it. If you so wish, I can step out of the room." He's not a monster.. he would offer it, though he didn't exactly want to.

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