Dazai's Pet (Dazushi)

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AU: none
Warnings: smut
Word Count: 6024


"Good morning~!" Dazai chimed as he walked through the door to the Agency. Happy and joyous as always. For the most part. It didn't quite help that he didn't really wanna be here.

"You're two minutes late!" Kunikida huffed, smacking him overt the head with a paper back book.

"Owwwwwieeee, Kunikida is so mean!" Dazai pouted and crossed his arms. "It was only two minutes!!"

"Get the hell to work!"

"Waaaahh!! Atsushiii!!!" Dazai always ran to the weretiger as if a type of shield. Aha- he wrapped his arms around him tightly. "Kunikida's being so awful to me!!"

But Atsushi gave no response. "Hm?" Dazai tilted his head a little and looked at Atsushi. He was wearing a hoodie. That's odd, the hood was over his head. "Haaa? Don't tell me you're going through an emo phase, Atsushi!" He pouted, beginning to remove his hood.

  "Wait-!" Atsushi freaked out but it was too late. He'd pulled his hood off revealing... a pair of ears. Not his own human ears. Oh, no. These were tiger eyes. Cute little round fluffy white ears attached to the top of Atsushi's head.

"Aha- ahaha!! These are so cute!" Dazai grinned brightly. Oh jeez— he gently felt how soft they were. "How dare you hide these from me!" He pouted. "Howd this- even happen?" He asked, still giggling here and there at the flustered boy.

"I was on some stupid mission and some dumb person used their stupid ability on me!" Atsushi whined, pulling his hood back over his head. He completely froze up. "H-Hey!" He yelped as he felt the other's hands slightly slide down his back, down his pants just a little bit.

"I knew it!" He carefully pulled out a soft tiger's tail that matched his ears. "So soft~!" He chimed.

"Don't touch—" Atsushi pulled his tail away, hiding it with his legs. His face was an unreal color of red. It was adorable!! "Can't you just- use your ability on me?! It'll make it go away right?" He whined.

"Why would I ever want this to go away??" Dazai tilted his head with a big toothy grin. "These just made you 800% cuter than you already were! Which is quite a lot!!"

"I'm not cute!" Atsushi demanded as the other slipped his bandaged hand under his hood, beginning to pet the top of his head. Atsushi was caught off guard a little, blinking a few times before he seemed to fully relax. Hey, that actually felt kinda nice. He frowned though once he felt the hand stop petting his head. "Hey.."

"Let's make a bet, Atsushi!" The brunette chimed, seeming to find the disappointment in Atsushi's eyes adorable. He was so insisting on him not touching his ears or tails but then absolutely melted when petting him.

"A bet? Are you serious? I'm not gonna make a bet!" He huffed. "Especially not with you! You always win! Always." He crossed his arms.

"Cmonnn, pretty please? You can make me do whatever I want if you win, Atsushi! That means give you money, make you food, pet you, anythinggg~" The taller male chimed mischievously.

"..." Atsushi remembered that one day where he had gotten sick and the other had taken care of him. Making him food, tucking him in, calming him.. ok, maybe he would take this little bet. "And.. I'm guessing it's the other way around if you win..." He bit his lip. Would it really be worth it..?

"Exactamundo!" Dazai smiled. "So, the bet!" He put a hand to his chin with a grin. He didn't have one ready yet..? Jeez, he was just confident he'd win no matter what, wasn't he? "I bet-! That I can name every single item, the color too, that's in your closet!"

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