Beautiful (Shinsoukoku)

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Word count: 2134


  ".." Akutagawa watched his boyfriend intently as the other quietly ate the breakfast he had made him. The under side of Atsushi's eyes were much darker than they were normally. He also noticed that Atsushi- didn't seem to express hunger as often as he used to. He wasn't sure why, but he had a strange feeling that the two newfound traits were connected. And honestly? He found it annoying. He missed how Atsushi's eyes were like light itself. He missed cooking for him constantly and watching him happily eat and compliment his food. He let out an annoyed groan that caught Atsushi's attention.

  "Is something wrong?" Atsushi frowned, and Akutagawa noticed how for a short second, the weretiger eyes darted around his own (Atsushi's) body, before looking back to Akutagawa.

  "What's wrong with you?" Akutagawa pointed a fork at him accusatoryly. He watched his boyfriends eyes go down to himself again. And this time they stayed there. His eyes watering. Akutagawa had always been straight forward... it never affected Atsushi like this. The taller male was quick to stand and walk over to the side of the table Atsushi was on. "..." he cupped the others cheeks, his thumbs instantly rubbing at his eyes. "Sorry..." he murmured softly.

  "Why.. are your eyes very dark? I don't like it." He decides to rephrase his question. "And you aren't eating as often. I dislike that even more."

  Akutagawa huffed. Atsushi only sighed softly, and had not cried. That was good... "I'm just.. very tired. That's all. An loss of motivation. It'll go away eventually.." Atsushi murmured, shaking his head. "..I'm gonna go for a walk." He stands up.

  Akutagawa watches his boyfriend slip on sandals and then leave the house. He sighs and brings a hand to his forehead. Akutagawa was never good with confrontation. He always asked everything and said everything dead blank, and straight forward. Like the one time Atsushi got sick. 'I don't like it, I can't even touch you. And I have to take care of you like a baby.' And Atsushi only laughed happily at his words.

  'Do that again.' Akutagawa had said after getting a kiss and wanting more than one. It always made Atsushi giggle.

  'I want to fuck you.'

  Very, very straightforward. No matter what. This time should've been no different and yet it was. That's how Akutagawa knew something was wrong.

  He sat in his study and began to read. It's not like he could unlearn that attitude and sugar coat everything... that wasn't him. That was Atsushi. That's why the two worked out so well together. Atsushi returned from his walk hours later. Akutagawa huffed as he heard the door open. He coughs quietly as his ability extends from his coat, all the way downstairs and quickly around Atsushi. Bringing him upstairs and earning a small help from him.

  Atsushi huffed as he was held up in the air by Rashomon. Akutagawa looked up from his book, clearly not happy. "Where were you? I was worried sick." He complained and stood up.

  "I just.. doing a bit of walking." Atsushi mumbled. Akutagawa knew that Atsushi could break out of this ability if he wanted to. The fact he didn't could tell him that Atsushi definitely wanted someone to persist beyond his denial, to find out what was really wrong and help him.

  "I don't like that. Don't do it again." Akutagawa huffed and let Atsushi go. A small thud as he landed on the floor.

  The rest of the day was just... awkward and calm. It was their normal conversations but something was wrong. For example... Atsushi's constant words.

'Cuddle me.'

'Hold me.'

'Hug me.'

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