1, 2, 3 (Soukoku)

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(AU where Beast Dazai meets normal Dazai and Chuuya)

(Warnings: Smut, uh oh bad words)

(Word count: 3495)

(Inspiration: https://pin.it/5TRhEsj , https://pin.it/55sNq8n , https://pin.it/7iXbqxN )


  "...this has to be some kind of bad dream." Chuuya just stared at the other. His eyes were wide, his hands were shaky though you couldn't tell since they were in his pockets. He watched the brunette who just innocently tilted his head at him as if he didn't know what he was talking about. "Why're you letting him sit there!?" He truly couldn't believe the boss would just stand by.

  Mori, was just minding his own business. He seriously looked like he was packing up for a vacation. How- how in the world is he okay with this? Where's the logic, where is it? "Why do I need to be here when there's a boss who succeeded me to take my place for a week. Sounds like a free break."

  🎶What the fuck🎶

  If Chuuya was to understand the situation correctly... Dazai, from this world, had found a book. And whatever you write in it comes true. However... it actually just created another world. A fictional world. One that was real at the same time as that, though. And apparently... this Dazai, the same age as the man he knew was apart of the agency, was the Boss. If Dazai had stayed he would've become the boss. It sounded totally crazy.

  But what other choice did he have to believe or when he was sitting there right in front of him, just happily resting his head in his hands. This Dazai- was different from the Mafia Dazai that Chuuya knew many years ago. But he was also different from the agency Dazai that he knew now. He was like a combination of both. "What the hell..."

  And he still couldn't believe the boss was just going to head out to take a vacation when such an event has taken place. Is he crazy or something!?

  Dazai, meanwhile, simply stared and analyzed the red head. Dressed much different than from his own universe, but still an executive. "🎶I'm~ your~ boss~ now~🎶" the male tilted his head back and forth and swung his legs in the rhythm he sang the song, as if a child bragging.

  "Shut the hell up! You are not my boss! And you're not my Dazai either!" Obviously the red head meant the Dazai from this world when he said 'my Dazai'. Completely meaning the opposite of what this Dazai grinned at.

  "Woah, Chuuya think's I'm his? That's a new one~!" How could the male be so happy? He literally— he just hopped universes like it was nothing and was having all of his fun messing this one up.

  "Shut up! First of all, you can't just come in here acting like—"

  "Is that any way to talk to your boss?" Dazai tilted his head with a grin. Definitely had some malice intentions...

  Chuuya forgot that this guy was seriously his boss now. They were practically asking for the Mafia to fall apart, weren't they? Well... if there's anyone Dazai hates more than anyone, it's definitely himself. Maybe he could do something about it?

  Yuck. Was he seriously thinking about going to this world's Dazai for help? Hell, the two would get a long, wouldn't they? Double suicide together, yay! God... "Now go leave me alone!" The red head was brought back to reality as the other shooed him away with his hand. "Shoo shoo."

  "....." I'm not a dog. But Chuuya knew he had to be careful with what he said now. As much as he absolutely hated it... the other was now the boss. And lord knows he doesn't wanna have to deal with any sort of punishment from that man.

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