Taunting (Fyozai)

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Word count: 3699

Warnings: NSFW, kidnapping, alcohol


  It took quite a lot to be able to catch Dazai off guard. His entire life, there were only minute things that surprised him, and they weren't anything major. So to be able to follow him without knowing.. knock him out.. and then kidnap him..? Dazai wasn't going around looking for trouble as he once did with Kyouka. That had a purpose. This didn't. Not to Dazai, at least, who was taking a stroll just for fresh air. So easily avoided... and quite admirable it was. Dazai wondered, while unconscious, who this mystery perpetrator might be? But no, he already had a pretty good guess as to who it may be.

  Dazai felt his eyelids flutter open but wasn't met with anything. It was completely pitch black. Not a pitch black of a dark room, per day. But a black as in, something was covering his eyes, keeping him from seeing what was beyond the fabric. It was a blindfold. As Dazai instinctively attempted to reach his hands, which were oddly situated behind his back, up to take off the blind fold, he found he couldn't move his hands. His wrists, more specifically, were tied together. His arms were situated so that they were behind him. Dazai frowned, attempting to stand only to find his ankles bound together. But he wasn't tied to a chair or anything. It was just those parts of his body, along with a fabric type intrusion in his mouth. A gag, tied around his mouth. The surface he sat on didn't feel like a chair. Far from it. Like a cushion? Like-


  Dazai instantly froze up at the sound of breathing. It was right there, right next to his hear. And he was so sure he hadn't heard it when he first woke up. As though whoever was breathing was doing it intentionally so the other could hear. It was then Dazai understood the situation.. what he was sitting on, was probably a persons lap. It made sense. He tried one last futile tug at his wrists that came across a little more panicked than the brunette planned it to. But he needed a lot of force to try and pull off the ropes if he could... But then the only thing that came from the struggle of the ropes was a soft chuckle. Okay- those lips that were letting out subtle breaths were much closer to his ear than he expected them to be. And yet again, he was caught off guard.

An overwhelming sense of dread swirled around in his stomach, like a dark pit of despair. Whoever this was... was immensely skilled and deceptive. In any other situation, such a feat would've had the chance to excite him. But alas. This was an entirely different situation. If Dazai had been kidnapped by a skilled individual, it was because said individual knew that with Dazai out of the way, taking over and/or destroying Yokohama was child's play. What could they be planning..? Dazai felt a hand slide across his back, making him squirm and shift about ever so slightly as though moving enough would get the hand to retract. It only rested on his waist and squeezed, causing him to tense up. And then a firm hand, the free one of his captor, came up to his chin to lift it only slightly. Dazai would've hissed but the gag prevented that. He yanked his head away from the others hand only to feel a hand on the back of his head, pushing his head right back to where it had been. Fuck.

  "You're rather skittish, aren't you?" A familiar voice purred into his ear, voice slick like honey and the Russian accent thick just like it. Within the first word, Dazai was easily able to tell who his captor was. He wondered how he hadn't managed to perfectly pin point it. Obviously the only person that might be able to manage to catch him off guard. "Mm, looks like you finally put the pieces together. I'm surprised it took you so long. You seem quite off your game. Out of character, I might say."

Only a muffled word or two came from the tied up brunette, who attempted to pull away as the hand in his hair pushed his head against the Russian's chest. He was sure by the fact he could hear the soft beating, and felt the small rising and falling of his chest. He needed to calm down... showing his panic-y habits and showing any signs of weakness wasn't allowed. Not in his book. The hand on his waist slipped down to his thigh, pulling his entire body more towards him at this point. "You should relax.. I have no intentions of hurting you." And Dazai knew that Fyodor was being honest.

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