Happy Birthday, Chuuya (Chuuatsu)

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(No AU)

(Warnings: mild spice, swearing)

Word count: 4219

Request: Chuuatsu fluff where they celebrate Chuuya's birthday?


  "Are you absolutely sure? You know, we could get Yosano to easily heal with you back up. If it's that bad, that's what we should do." The worried voice of Tanizaki hummed from over the phone.

  "Ah- I-I'll be ok... I think I'd rather deal with a little common cold than almost dying... but I do appreciate the concern." Atsushi cleared his through. Raspy voice.

  "Well, alright then. I'll let everyone else know. Just- get better, ok?" Click.

  Atsushi sighed, inhaling a water bottle. It took quite a bit of nastiness to make his voice sound that bad. He wiped his mouth as he finished the water. "Ah. Ah. Ah." Great. His voice had gone back to normal. He really hoped he wouldn't have to talk to any of the ADA members for the rest of the day.

  The white haired male walked to his room, and slid a box out from under his bed. It was full of cash. Too much cash. He put as much as he could in his wallet, and then folded them strategically to fit as much as he could in his pockets.

  Thank God men's pockets are endless. He sighed. Ok! He cracked his fingers. Now he needed a disguise. He knew that the agency had to go out constantly. Heck, he himself almost went out during work like three times a day.

  Too many times a day. He certainly gets his daily work out in, that's for sure.

  He wore a large sweater instead of his button up, his suspenders hidden under it. It was cold today anyways. His hair was a dead giveaway that it was him... ah, a beanie. He placed a black beanie on his head, covering half his forehead and mostly all of his hair. Perfect :]

  He sighed in satisfaction with himself. April twenty eighth... he just needed to hold up the sick act until tomorrow. Tomorrow he'd make his voice sound better, but still a little bad. And then the day after he'd show up to work like he was completely ok.

  God, he hoped this worked out...

  Atsushi put on boots instead of his normal shoes, grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket, sighing.

  What was Atsushi Nakajima doing, you may wonder?

  Birthday Shopping.

  To be quite honest... he was amazed with himself for being able to hide the fact that he and Chuuya were dating for such a long time. To be quite honest, he was glad no one had found out yet. He had thought about letting Dazai know once or twice... help him maybe get out of the agency just a teeny bit here and there to genuinely spend time with him. But, when Atsushi had brought it up to Chuuya, he instantly told him how that was an awful idea. Blackmail, teasing, bullying... and Dazai would mainly be doing it to Chuuya.

  And as much as Atsushi trusted Dazai, and would like more free time with his beloved... he wouldn't do it if it was against his wishes. Though he did find the red head's distaste for Atsushi's best friend pretty funny.

Though... in the end, it's not like it really mattered that they hid it.

  ~•°•~ (Flashback) ~•°•~

  "Where r u >:T?" - ChuuChuu

  "I'm sorry ;-; I'm trying 2 get out of a meeting right now but.. it's taking really long." - Pretty Bastard

  "Man... pretend you got an important phone call and just run out or something." - ChuuChuu

  "Do you know how suspicious that'll look?" - Pretty Bastard

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