Hide and Seek (Ranpoe)

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(AU: an AU where there are two groups of people: hiders and seekers. That's represented by permanent marks on their necks. If a seeker tells a hider "you're it", the hider dies.)

(Word Count: 3893)

(Warnings: kinda spicy but just neck stuff-)


Ok.. you can do this, Poe. Just don't think about it too much. It looks realistic... it's ok. He huffed as he checked his neck in the mirror. The makeup definitely looked convincing. Normally, a red mark would be on his neck, representing that of a hider. But he'd covered it up pretty good with make up, placing a fake blue mark on his neck. If anyone saw him, they should think he's a seeker.

Of course, this decision of living the life of a seeker.. he'd have to leave everyone he knew behind. In fact, he probably would have to leave the state. To one on the other side of the country. After all, if he stayed here with people who knew him, there was a higher chance of a seeker discovering Poe's true identity as a hider. He sighed softly. Waterproof make up... ok. He put his hands together. You can do this..

He had been planning this for many many months now. Poe had already packed all of the necessary belongings. He wouldn't be bringing along anything that he didn't need. He wanted to start a new, fresh, safe life. In a place where he didn't have to worry about dying. As long as no one looked at him and said 'found you', specifically to him... he'd be safe.

There were a couple flaws to this plan. If someone was looking for him and needed something and ended up saying 'found you' to him. He bit his lip, a hand to his chin. How could he possibly avoid that..? Of course... the words had to be by themselves. "I found you", or anything like that- that wouldn't kill him. So.. in the end did he truly need to worry?

There was also the theory that the seeker had to have the intent to kill for the words to actually work. But— that hadn't been tested. The higher ups of the hiders society made sure that there would be no possibly way for seekers to get in. Which meant- it would be a bit of a hassle for Poe to get out.

But, he had made it look like he was a seeker. So maybe upon seeing him try to leave, they'd hastily let him. The boy picked up his brief case. He would be leaving everything behind. And hey, if the life of a seeker becomes— awful? He could always come back.. yeah..

The messy haired male left his house. He locked his door, still, of course. If he needed to come back he couldn't just let someone break in, could he? Poe got in his car, starting it up. Despite this being a hider town with high security, the streets were always quiet. At most there were fifteen to twenty people walking around at one time. He hated it. How they were forced and expected to live in fear.

He just took a deep breath, and drove. For hours. Upon hours.. he stopped for gas once or twice, and got some food and drinks of course. He wasn't even sure what seeker town he would end up stopping in.. so to be quite honest it might cost a hell of a ton of money.

He got to the large 50 feet stone wall. Completely smooth. No cracks or dents in it. They always made sure that if there were it was quickly fixed. No seeker could climb on. No surprise that the line to leave the state wasn't long at all. In fact, he was the only one there.

Poe drove up to a large box with a window. "..." a boy with white hair, and a large black.. collar type thing was around his neck. But it looked like some sort of device, a green blindly light on it. The name tag read "Atsushi Nakajima". The boy's mark was covered by said device. And he looked miserable. "Reason for departure?" The male asked, looking to Poe.

Poe simply looked back. Atsushi's eyes softened as they landed on the boy's neck. "..." he stepped out of his booth, kneeling down by the window to talk to him. "...I tried that.." he spoke softly. "That's why I have to wear this..." he pointed to the device. Atsushi Nakajima had put on fake makeup to escape this hellish society. But he was found out before he could leave. For safety purposes of him never doing that again, the device was around his neck.

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