The Art Of Seduction (Shinsoukoku)

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Word count: 3447


  Atsushi hummed softly as he walked down the large corridor. He'd been called in by the Boss. Even though it was his vacation weekend, he didn't really mind it, though Kyouka would be on vacation by herself now. Despite how much she insisted on herself coming with him, he wouldn't let her. He genuinely wanted her to get some rest and relax. She'd earned it to say the least.

  Atsushi had been able to start working on getting his ability under his control though it was quite difficult. And painful. But nothing he wouldn't regret later on, being able to use his ability without spikes digging into his neck was ideal. Really, it was.

  As he approached the large double doors, he knocked on them. He could swear he heard muffle voices inside. He assumed it was him and Chuuya, considering Chuuya was always on his side more often than not. Plus he'd called him in earlier. "Come in!" Was the only clear voice Atsushi heard. No doubt it belonged to Dazai, the Boss.

  Atsushi pushed opened the doors but didn't see the boss, simply the back of his chair. How odd. "Atsushi! I'm really sorry to pull you out of vacation like this." Atsushi could see the others hand waving at him.

  "It's no problem." Atsushi said calmly. "..what did you need me to do?" His undying loyalty had him prepared for anything even if it meant Dazai would send him to the most painful death possible. Though that scenario was likely to... never happen.

  "On the desk, there," Dazai gestured to his desk. Atsushi still didn't understand why the other was turned around. Atsushi hovered over the desk.

  "The photo of the man?" Atsushi asked as he lifted the photo of a black haired man, hair questionably cut. The tips of his hair were white, and his skin looked pale. He wore a sort of detective get up? He was also very beautiful. He had an ethereal aura to him.

  "Mhm! That man there." He chimed. "His name is Akutagawa Ryunsouke." There was a pair and a slight jolt of the chair, and the other stopped speaking for a moment before he heard an exasperated groan, like the other was hurt but not trying to be too loud about expressing it.

  "Are- you alright boss?" Atsushi frowned with a tilt of the head.

  Dazai replied within a few seconds. "I'm.. fine. Sorry. But anyways.." he picked his voice right back up to the happy hap tone he always had. "That's your next target. He has a valuable piece of information he's collected from one of his missions and means to hand it over to the Armed Detective Agency. I want you to get it from him."

  "..oh, I see." He looked down at the picture of the man again. "By what means?"

  " non violent means. Though take a weapon and hide it just in case he does end up attacking you." Dazai spoke with a slight airy tone to his voice. "..I want you to seduce him."

  "You want me to huh?" Seduce? Atsushi doesn't seduce people? Atsushi kills people. That's it. Seducing- Atsushi wasn't sure he was confident for even complimenting someone attractive much less trying to seduce them.

  "I know you'll be fine." Dazai waved his hand dismissively though this time Atsushi could've sworn there was something dripping from it. "There's an outfit prepared for you in your office. Meet him at the location on the photo at 8:30 pm tonignt. I'm counting on you~" he purred.

  Atsushi slowly nodded. He sighed and took the photo, going to leave. And once the door shut he was sure he could've heard a moan. No yeah that was a moan. And it definitely belonged to Chuuya. You've gotta be kidding me... were they seriously fucking while Dazai was talking to them? Actually it all completely clicked. Of course they'd do something like that. Though he had a feeling it was more Dazai's plan and initiation than it was his red headed boyfriend.

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