Twenty Three (Dazatsu)

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Word count: 2092

Warnings: NSFW


Chop. Chop. Atsushi was cutting apart fruits and vegetables for dinner. Dazai was simply sitting on the couch in the living room that was connected to the ceiling, watching his lover intently. His chops are very messy.. they're actually bad. He can't help but smile a little at that fact.

He looked at the clock. 12 am. Finally. It was Atsushi's birthday. He knew his lover never celebrated it, due to the fact the orphanage always treated it like it was the worse day ever. Atsushi had even forced himself to forget when his birthday was some years. Well.. Dazai wouldn't let him do that this year. He'd make sure he had at least one good birthday.

Dazai examined his lover's frame. Atsushi had a white t shirt on, and borderline booty shorts on. Over that was a simple black apron so he didn't get anything on his clothes. He seemed so concentrated. The shirt perfectly outlines his very squish-able waist. He could imagine his hands fitting on them perfectly. The brunette stood up, himself only wearing his button up stripped shirt and normal slacks. He walked to the kitchen.

He puts a hand on Atsushi's wrist instead of his waist. Atsushi stopped cutting the food due to this. Dazai pressed the front of his body against the back of his lovers, and he could feel him tense up as well as heard a soft gasp leave his lip. "You're not doing it right." Dazai's lips were dangerously close to Atsushi's ear. His voice was low. Soft. A particular voice Dazai only used around Atsushi, who told him the other night that he quite enjoyed it. Dazai kept his lips where they were, and put a hand to his lover's waist.

Atsushi felt his face turn pink at the sudden closeness. He wondered what it was for. It took all of his will power not to instinctively rub back against Dazai. "..uhm.." he says nothing as Dazai began to guide his hand on how to cut the food. He felt so warm and tingly all over.

"There.. isn't that better?" Dazai smiled a little, and gently blew into Atsushi's ear causing him to gasp again. Dazai let go of his wrist, and Atsushi dropped the knife. He turned him around to face him. Ah, what a beautiful face. Pink plump lips, long lashes, cute cheeks, and his whole face was a gorgeous shade of red.

Atsushi meekly nodded in agreement to Dazai's statement. He gently placed his lips on Atsushi's, holding him against the counter as he kissed him. Atsushi wrapped his arms around Dazai's neck, pulling him close for an embrace as he tilted his head and kissed back passionately. Dazai dare say Atsushi was being more needy than himself was. He pulled away from the kiss after a few seconds.

Dazai's hands trailed down Atsushi's waist, to his butt. Atsushi's hands fell to Dazai's chest, and he closed his eyes as his lover groped him before picking him up. Atsushi gasped in surprise and wrapped his legs around his waist and Dazai began to walk away from the kitchen, holding him by his ass. "Dazai.. the food." Atsushi murmured, clearly in a small haze from the kiss and touch.

"Food can wait." Dazai smiled and set his lover down on the bed. "It's your birthday, you know." He stated.

Atsushi blinked once, looking up at the brunette. " is? How old am I now?" He puts a finger to his lip, perplexed as he tries to recall his age.

"23, my love." Dazai crawled onto the bed in front of him and cupped his cheeks. "23 years old." He smiled.

Atsushi leaned into his touch. There was something just so domestic about the situation, it sent his mind into a spiral of love. His legs subconsciously spread open, and Dazai definitely noticed. His hand trails along the inside of Atsushi's thigh. "I'll make sure when you think of your birthday, you think of tonight. And only tonight." Dazai murmured softly, as his hand rested on his lover's crotch and began to rub. A sweet sound left the weretiger's mouth.

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