The God Of Pleasure (Dazatsu)

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Word count: 2191

Warnings: NSFW


  Atsushi skipped through his village, chiming a song happily. It was a song he'd made up, of course, not a real one. How hilarious. Atsushi often did such things. He's proud to say many have gotten the songs he sings stuck in their heads and hum it whenever he is nearby. Atsushi is a treasured gem of the village. He creates beautiful sculptures and sells them abroad, bringing loads of money in and helping sustain the village.

  Atsushi spent night and day, happy with his job. He loved creating beautiful sculptures; Sculptures of loved ones for people who miss them, sculptures of great leaders that will be put in museums, sculptures of nymphs to be appreciated and learned about in libraries. And after all of his work, he gets to return to his simple yet cozy cottage where he nuzzled his soft pillow and huddled up beneath his soft blanket. Yes, Atsushi is a treasured gem. To all.

  Atsushi packs a bag. Today, he will be taking a trip to a temple he heard had the most magnificent sculpture. It was a large temple with a sculpture of a god; the god of pleasure, Dazai Osamu. Atsushi didn't know much of him, but did study up on him. Essentially, he was the god of very very good sex, for the most part. However there was of course non sexual pleasure, such as overwhelming happiness that was depicted with the brown haired god dancing with flowers. The god was pleasing to look at; beautiful. And he heard that the temple had the most like life sculpture of any person ever. Atsushi wishes to see it, to study it, and to improve his work.

  He's given a horse and sets off on his long journey. It's a few days ride, and Atsushi doesn't stop to sleep. He simply secured himself on his horse with straps, so he wouldn't fall off, then slept leaning forward on his horse. Of course, he only stopped for his horse to rest. He fed it apples and berries, and fed himself with bread and berries as well. He made sure to let it drink plenty of water, and drink plenty himself. Eventually, and finally, after a few sunrises and sunsets, he arrives at his destination.

  Excited, he gets off his horse. He sets up his tent, and let's his horse rest. He places a bucket of water for the horse to drink when it pleases, and leaves apples out for the horse to eat when it needs. He makes sure to start a fire that will last a few hours, so his horse may be warm. And with that, he ventures up to the temple. The temple is made of ivory.

  Atsushi's eyes widened as he's faced with the glorious, 60+ foot tall statue. It is surely of the great Osamu Dazai. Atsushi walked to the feet of the statue, and gently caressed them. The sculpture was done so well. In this statue, Dazai sat on a throne, wearing a simple silk robe and nothing more. He felt along the carved in cloth, and grips onto parts that had chipped over millennia. He begins to climb. Eventually he manages to get into the giant's lap. It is exhilarating, examining the great detail on the giant's covered thighs. Suddenly, however, Atsushi is thrown off balance.

  He squeaks as what was once stone was now white fabric covering a soft, squishy thigh. He was surrounded by movement. The statue - had turned real. The statue was actually a way of transportation for the god. Dazai could fill the spot in and out any time he pleases. Atsushi's eyes slowly lifted up, seeing the brunette was indeed alive, breathing, and blinking. Dazai looked down at him and smiled. "Well well well~" he scooped Atsushi up into his hand. "Someone had the balls to climb onto my statue. How cute."

  Atsushi's eyes widened as Dazai lifts him up to his face to examine him. "Tell me your name, mortal." Dazai smiled a little. Atsushi swallowed thickly. Of course he was scared, why wouldn't he be?

  "A.. Atsushi.. Nakajima." He whispered softly. "I-I came here to study your sculpture.. I am a sculptor." He exclaimed, nervous. Dazai rolled the small boy around in his hand, licking his lips.

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