Seven Minutes In Heaven (Ranatsu)

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Word count: 8962

Warnings: NSFW


  Atsushi never liked the color red. It wasn't as though it reminded him of some deep dark traumatic past, and all he could see was blood whenever he looked at it. No, Atsushi simply didn't like the color red. He didn't like the color purple, and he didn't like the colors blue or pink. Perhaps there were variations of these colors that he enjoyed, but really, in this situation, he found that the colors were so bright and tacky, melting together to create one giant headache of a color. Atsushi Nakajima hated parties. They were loud, and he always felt like his ears may be bleeding, which freaked him out. Not just that, but there was often a nasty yellow color from ceiling lights or lamps that made it feel wrong, or bright obnoxious colors that gave him a hangover without him ever needing to take a sip of alcohol. Whenever he saw the colors separate, he scowled, because they would've been such nice colors had they not been ruined by people with no taste. Neon colors, especially, got on his nerves. So, it took a lot out of him for him to be here tonight.

  A college party, hosted by none other than Chuuya Nakahara. Atsushi wasn't any close friend to the popular college senior, who was known for hosting parties, leaking test answers, having the best alcohol at his place— the works. He wasn't sure how he ended up getting invited to this party, but it seemed like it wouldn't be the eye-bleach type. When he walked up to the door, he didn't hear obnoxious music or screaming. He couldn't smell the smoke or weed from miles away. Even more so, he saw no obnoxious lights reflecting on the floor, seeping out beneath the door. Atsushi abandons the fear of what he thought the party might be, and knocks on the door.

  You know what the color Atsushi did like, was green. Atsushi thought green was the most beautiful color on the planet. It practically was the planet. He loved seeing green grass and green leaves. He loved to see green soaps at the store, he loved seeing green moss growing on an abandoned building; he loved the color green. It was calming, relaxing, and nice. It had hardly been shoved into his face at a party. He loved the color green. Atsushi let's his hands rest at his side as he thinks about the comfortable color to avoid the anxiety growing in his stomach as he heard footsteps near closer to the door. Eventually, the sound of the doorknob being unlocked urges Atsushi to run away. He hates parties, what on earth was he doing here? Oh well, it's too late now. Atsushi takes a deep breath to calm himself as the door opens.

  "Hey, Atsushi! You made it!" Atsushi has to look down to see who's speaking to him (not by much, just a bit downward), and that alone tells him who's answered the door. Chuuya Nakahara, the beloved college senior, with obnoxiously red hair and obnoxiously blue eyes. Despite the technical term being a redhead, Atsushi always thought Chuuya's hair was orange. A bright orange. A hangover orange. A yucky orange, an orange Atsushi didn't like. Not to say he didn't like Chuuya, of course! He thought the senior was so cool, and even looked up to him (and even more so was surprised to learn Chuuya even knew who he was, let alone his name), but- colors— Atsushi couldn't get past them. Colors meant everything to him, they were all he could see. It's why he looked much more easily at Dazai, who had gentle brown hair and gentle brown eyes. He decided, though, that Chuuya wasn't always staring at Dazai because he liked his color palette; more so he liked his ass. At least, Atsushi always catches him sneaking glances at it. Weren't the two supposed to be rivals?

  Atsushi looks away from Chuuya quite quickly, glancing off to the side at a comfortably beige wall. He realizes, then, that other walls were covered in brightly colored things, save for a few beige walls, one in each room. Atsushi gasped quietly, realizing he had himself a safe space that Chuuya had somehow managed to pick up on that he needed; an escape from the bright colors that he preferred in order to accommodate him and anyone else like him. "I.. yeah!" Atsushi nervously smiled, and reached down into the plastic bag he had hanging around his elbow. He pulled out a plastic container with cupcakes; White and black frosting, but bright sprinkles. Atsushi was trying his best to bring fun cupcakes, without having to shop in a bright colored isle and get a headache while frosting the cupcakes. "I made cupcakes! The ones with white frosting have weed in them, the black frostings don't." It was a college party, and Atsushi was an excellent baker. He couldn't not cook drugs into some of them. But it wasn't an overbearing amount, just a bit to keep people who were partying, partying. Chuuya thanked him and took the cupcakes, letting him step inside, and going to put them down on the counter.

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