Valentines Day (Ransushi)

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Word Count: 6027

Warnings: Smut


"A new uniform?" Atsushi tilted his head slightly in a little confusion. He rather liked his white button up, black tie and pants and suspenders—it was comfy. And was a gift from when he first joined.

"We can't keep affording new ones whenever you shift. It's become so frequent we just got you a new one, much more flexible and should be able to accommodate your tiger limbs." Kunikida grumbled, placing a package down on his desk. "Go change. The uniform you're wearing is the last one you'll get so you should take care of it for memory's sake." This was already an inconvenience to the blonde. Messing up his schedule to go pick up and give the uniform... God.

Atsushi took the uniform and walked to the bathroom to go and get changed. He locked the door and replaced the clothes he was wearing, which he delicately folded once he took them off, and put on this new uniform. Huh—it was rather comfortable. The material was soft. It was a sort of black long-sleeve, and it had a grey plaid vest made. The black material was stretchier... the vest not so much but it stopped right where his arms shifted so wouldn't rip. Then it was black leggings, and a brown pair of shorts held up by a belt.

Oh hey, he looked rather stylish in his opinion. And they didn't have to worry about constantly buying him replacements. This was nice. He smiled slightly and put his clothes in the bag his new ones came in.

He hummed and walked back to the office. "Ooo, wow! It looks so good on you!" Kenji clapped his hands happily.

"For the record, I picked out the clothes." Yosano huffed with a little smile. Finding an outfit that didn't look weird that could accommodate his ability was rather difficult..

Atsushi smiled softly. "I really like it! Thank you."

He glanced at Kunikida as he began to speak. "Just to let you know that's coming out of your next paycheck." He pushed up his glasses.

Atsushi only sighed. I'm not surprised... not like I can complain.

Atsushi was happy with this. He could go a bit without eating again—

"I'm baaaack!" A rather loud voice chimed as the sound of the door opening was heard. Atsushi turned with a tilt of his head.

"Oh, hey, Ranpo." He gave a slight wave, wondering if Ranpo would like the outfit or if he really even cared... he always seemed so uninterested.

"What're you wearing?" Ranpo's tone wasn't angry but it wasn't happy either. It was hard to tell if his question was negative or positive.

"Uh... my new uniform?" Atsushi tilted his head. Ranpo, out of everyone, would know the reason as to why he had a new uniform and what he was wearing.

"Change back to your old one." He pouted and tugged at Atsushi's vest and sleeves.

"No— I already paid for it." Atsushi huffed, smacking at his hands playfully. "Plus why would I even? This ones much more comfortable and flexible."

Ranpo only huffed and tugged at the clothing more. "Nuh uh! I don't like it!"

"...jeez." Yosano scoffed and smacked Ranpo on the head. "You want him to take those clothes off so badly, I'd think you were gay," she said half jokingly. Ranpo only ignored her with a huff and went and sat down, crossing his arms.

Atsushi just stared. ...what's going on?

He seemed so confused and Yosano just smirked quietly, crossing her arms as she returned to her lab.

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