Look Pretty (pt. 2)(Soukoku)

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Word count: 2152

Warnings: NSFW


  "You have no idea the things I want to do to you."

Dazai shuddered as he awoke. That line, that sweet sweet line that his master had uttered to him while jerking off to the sight of him. It wouldn't leave his mind. Chuuya did not bless the brunette with sex that night. He knew it had been rather late, so his master was tired. But still..

  Dazai hadn't spoken on it since. He wanted to. Very much. He knew Chuuya would wait for him to ask, so that when the red head asked, the brunette wouldn't feel required to, because of Chuuya being an authoritarian figure. But he couldn't bring himself to ask.

  Nervously, he got up and quickly changed into his maid outfit. He wasn't the same after what happened (in a good way). The bell hadn't rang yet, so he decided to leave his room and walk around to see if anything required his assistance. He hummed as he walked across the floor, staring long and hard and the expensive and fancy tile. "Ah.." he kneels down, resting his cheek on the ground.  He estimated approximately twenty specs of dirt on the floor. He stood up, huffing.

  That was no good. Dirt wasn't allowed on his master's floor. Chuuya deserved to walk on the very clouds of heaven. What an exaggeration... Chuuya had killed hundreds if not thousands, drinking blood from those who had any. Dazai knows Chuuya has his flaws, he knows he's not perfect. But he can't help but be so hopelessly in love with him. With the way Chuuya smirks at him when he catches Dazai admiring him; With the way that Chuuya spoke lowly when he was tired, making him shiver. He was in love with every inch and fiber of Chuuya's being.

Dazai walked to the storage closet that held all of his cleaning supplies. A feather duster with an adjustable handle to reach higher places, a dry mop, a vacuum cleaner, some lint rollers, and a broom. Dazai grabs the broom, closing the closet door and humming as he carried it over to where he'd spotted dirt. He begins to sweep, though the scenario from last night kept replaying in his mind.

Dazai was a sensitive man, finding his legs trembling just from remembering bits and pieces of the puzzle that was last night. As he put them together, he felt his legs fail him. He crumbled to the floor and whined, sitting on his butt in distress. Master.. what have you done to me? He ran his hands through his hair and looked down, his legs having been spread from the position. The handle of the broom had innocently fallen in between his legs. Dazai stared at it long and hard, biting his lip.

Long and hard.

Dazai leans up against the wall, biting his lip as he reached a hand under his skirt. He hooked two fingers under the waistband of his boxers and pulled down, letting them hang around his ankles. With a shaky hand, he grabbed the upper part of the handle and brings guides it forward, under his skirt. He feels it touch his entrance and he whimpered softly, trembling. "Oh... mm.." it most certainly can't compare to Chuuya's endowment. But.. it was better than nothing. He took a deep breath and pushed three inches inside. He whined loudly, legs trembling.

"Oh.. Chuuya.." he moaned softly, and began to move the broom handle, thrusting it into him. Deep enough, angled enough to hit his sweet spot. He cries out a moan loudly. "Oh~! Oh, Chuuya~! God, please fuck me~!"

Dazai, of course, is under the impression that Chuuya is asleep. He continued to moan his lovers name, thrusting his hips in sync. "Ah.. Ah~!" He released all over the inside of his skirt, moaning loudly as he did so. Biting his lip, he pulled the broom handle out and shoved it away, legs remaking. "Oh, Master.." he murmured softly, face still red and finding that, even after release, he wasn't satisfied. "Master.. your dick is so much bigger than this thin little broom handle.. haven't I been your most perfect maid?" He shut his eyes. "Haven't I been such a good boy?"

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