The Wedding (Shinsoukoku)

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Word count: 5278

This is a sequel to "My God (Shinsoukoku)"!! I'm sorry this took so long to come out TOT! I could make a third part but it would be focused on Shibusawa and Sigma. Would you guys be interested in that?

Warnings: NSFW


Atsushi's eyes slowly opened, and he yawned as he sat up. "Mm.." he stretched his arms, feeling refreshed. He blinked as he realized the collar that had been put on him during the meeting was still there. The chain was still in Akutagawa's hand. Atsushi blushed a little. He actually quite liked the collar and leash..

Atsushi gasped as he felt himself get tugged back by the leash, into Akutagawa's arms. A low groan left the god's lips, which were ghosting his ear. "A-Aku..?" It seemed the god was asleep. Atsushi whimpered. He quite liked being in his arms, but this was also quite flustering. The closeness..

He felt one of Akutagawa's hands grope at his thigh, and he smacked a hand over his mouth. Trying to keep any noise from coming out. His hand traveled up, to Atsushi's ass. But it went right over it, to the small of Atsushi's back. Despite being asleep, Akutagawa's touch was curious. Two fingers pressed on the small of his back and began to rub. Atsushi whimpered into his hand, finding that area to be quite sensitive.

Atsushi decided not to let this go on. After all.. he liked it. In an intimate way. Wouldn't it be wrong to let the other continue to touch him like this in his sleep. "Akutagawa!!" He shook the god, who awoke with a start, quickly sitting up.

"What? What happened?" He looked down at his lover. Atsushi closed his eyes tightly and hid his face in the mattress. "..when.. when did this happen?" Akutagawa sounded in disbelief.

"When.. when did what happen?" Atsushi blinked, looking up.

He gasped as he felt a hand wrap around a part of his body. It wasn't one- he had had previously. It was thin, long, soft, white and stripped. A tail. He gasped, and Akutagawa's other hand went to the two matching tiger ears atop Atsushi's head.

"H-Huh!?" Atsushi sat up with a fright. "W-What are these? Why do I have them?" He panicked. Akutagawa's hands has retracted themselves.

"You didn't know of them until just now?" Akutagawa blinked. Atsushi shook his head. "Then.. what did you wake me up in such a fright for?" Was there something else wrong..?

"U-Uhm- you were- touching me. In your sleep." Atsushi murmured. Akutagawa seemed quite surprised at this. "You- you were rubbing right here. Where my tail came out of too." He swallowed thickly.

In Akutagawa's dream, he had simply met with the beast form of a demigod. The only demigod in existence; the product of a human and a god's love. Many have tried this before but have never produced an offspring. It's happened once and only once. The demigod often took a tiger form. He'd met with the tiger in his dreams. Simply petting it, and brushing its fur in respect. But it seemed in real life he had been touching Atsushi. But.. but at the same time..

Akutagawa watched the other. Tiger ears.. and a tail. No one had seen the tiger demigod outside of dreams. And he remembered how Shibusawa had so badly wanted Atsushi as an offering. He must've known..

"Atsushi." Atsushi stopped freaking out when Akutagawa spoke his name. Akutagawa examined his ears and tail, and his eyes couldn't help but trail to his neck. After all.. the collar and leash ensemble certainly enhanced his.. cat look. A tiger was a cat, after all.

  "Y-Yes?" Atsushi blinked as Akutagawa's hand gently took hold of the leash, but did not tug.

  "Do you ever wonder why the village director hated you so?"

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