Voodoo (Dazatsu) Pt. 1

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Word count: 2189

Warnings: implied smut


  "Oo, is this a claw machine?" Dazai gasped as he inspected the glass case with many plushies inside. A red dog. A white tiger. A grey cat. A yellow cow, how cute! So many to choose from!

  "Yes. But be warned, with these dolls-"

  "I'll take one!" Dazai ignored the lady. She had long black hair, black cloak, eye bags and dark eyes. He very much knew she was a witch of a sort which stemmed from her ability. He hummed as he slipped a quarter in, moving the claw to right above the tiger. Just like his precious Atsushi.

  "..yes, but you should be warned-" Nope, Dazai wasn't listening. God the woman was thoroughly agitated by him.

  He grabbed it, and brought it over to where it would be dispensed. He lifted it up and out of the machine, humming happily. "Thank you! I'll be on my way now." That was all he wanted. How harmful could a plushy be anyways?

  Dazai returned to the Agency, late as always to get lectured by Kunikida. He then went back to his desk. "Atsushi! Look!" He chimed to the were tiger in the desk beside him to show him his very cool plushy. "It's just like you!"

  Atsushi blinked. "..ahah... cool." He wasn't sure whether or not he should find it endearing or creepy. It did look strangely like him. He let out a sigh of relief as suddenly the feeling of hands resting on his waist went away. He wasn't sure why he had that feeling. He'd panicked at first. It was odd.

Dazai focused on doodling all over the reports instead of actual paper work, once in a while petting the tiger plushies head. He did it for a solid minute as he hummed in thought. "You okay, Atsushi-Kun?" Kenji tilted his head as he walked past him.

Atsushi had a very light pink dusting over his face as well as a smile. His hair moved ever so slightly on its own it seemed. "Mm?" Atsushi looked over to him before turning around. There was... no one there. But he could've sworn he was being pet. "Ah- yeah. I was just imagining things." He liked being pet so much that he ended up imagining it. Yeah. That's the only explanation that made anywhere near sense, so... But it was so odd. He could've sworn that he had actually imagined it.

Dazai tilted his head, watching Atsushi with intent eyes. Atsushi caught onto his gaze. He tilted his head and locked eyes with him, wanting to know what was up. Dazai lifted the plushy to his lips, kissing the back of its head softly, still maintaining eye contact.

Atsushi felt his face get warmer as he shivered, instantly putting his hands behind his head as if feeling for someone. He just got kissed. He felt it, he did. Dazai...

Dazai only grinned, a type of grin that pretty much sealed poor Atsushi's fate. The doll that looked like him must be a type of vudu doll. How crazy that he ended up picking the one to look like him. It even had little clothes on it too, a sophisticated tiger. How cute. Atsushi whipped his head back around to look at Dazai, who seemingly lost interest in him and went back to work. What..? Maybe- maybe it was just Dazai flirting and he didn't realize Atsushi could feel it. He just took a deep breath and stood, walking over to Kunikida.

"Kunikida— don't you think maybe it's a little inappropriate to have toys and such in the work space?" Atsushi knew if he could get anyone to get rid of that plushie it would be the blonde.

Kunikida nodded. "Yes, I'd say so." He huffed and stood., instantly looking to Dazai. He's doing his paper work...? Weird.. the brunette hadn't filled out a single report since working here. "..perhaps it helps him focus. He hasn't worked this quietly, or worked ever before. I see no issue." The blonde declared and sat down.

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