Happy Birthday To Me (Dazatsu)

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(Warnings: NSFW)
(Word count: 8357)
(For MikoVampire's Dazai birthday challenge!)

  Dazai's grin grew as he watched the clock chime twelve. Twelve am, June nineteenth. His birthday. Normally, Dazai would always end up celebrating it by getting so drunk he couldn't attend work the next few days. But this time...? Ohoho, did he have different plans in mind.

  To start off, tomorrow, or today, was a vacation day. Which meant that getting drunk to avoid work wouldn't mean anything. But would also mean... more time for his plan. Specifically, he'd asked his beloved weretiger to ask for today off as well. He wasn't told why.. just to do it. And he knew better than to question Dazai's words.

  Oh, Dazai? An Agency member. Atsushi Nakajima, the man eating tiger..? A mafia member. If Dazai's intel was correct, he only joined about a year or two ago. Yeah. But he hadn't appeared in front of him until just six months ago. Or rather- Dazai appeared in front of him first.


  A white haired male.. with badly cut hair, was leaned over, going through some files. Dazai didn't recognize him, but then he didn't take the time to memorize everyone in the mafia. But- no, he would remember someone who looked like that. This boy must be new. Maybe— he'd be able to deceive and charm his way with this boy? If he was new, maybe he wasn't aware of Dazai's history yet.

  Dazai watched as the boy jumped at the slightest creak in the door as he opened it. Well... there goes any and all chances of trying to be stealthy. But-.. hm.. how'd the other hear that creak? Dazai could hear it because of his heightened senses. The white haired male had turned to face him.

  The boy's features were not what he expected. His eyes were round, he had a small nose and a small mouth yet slightly plump lips, that were slightly parted revealing— fangs? Two fangs, maybe. Small fangs, yeah. His cheeks looked chubby, as if made for squishing. His hair was diagonally cut, with a longer strand down the side and a black streak. He was dressed in a black button up, a white messily made tie with it. And white pants that stopped at his knees, where black boots started. Lastly, a white coat that wasn't worn, but was tied around his waist.

  The boy blinked a few times. His nose twitched once or twice, as if smelling. And he was, to try and see if he could recognize this taller brunette by smell. "Uhm... may I help you?" This boy's aura and voice were- weak. Meek, actually. It didn't fit someone in the mafia at all. But then- this could be an act, couldn't it? But then, after a few more blinks the boy's eyes seemed to widen.

  In.. fear? Ah- he must recognize him.

  "Hey, hey.." Dazai wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about this boy. It made him want to... protect him? Yeah, protect him. That's exactly what it was. As if he were a precious piece of art, that he had to protect and make sure wasn't stolen. He closed the door behind him, locking it just to make sure no other mafia members would interrupt. "I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?" Dazai rested his hands in his pockets. "I'm just here for a little information."

  "Information-? Are- you gonna torture me!?" Oh jeez- well, it's understandable as to why he thought that. He closed and locked the door, and in his mafia history he always tortured someone if he needed information out of them. "I-I don't-" He was panicking.

  Dazai frowned, tilting his head to the side. "No, I'm not gonna torture you."

  "...o-oh..." well- at least the other seemed to calm down at this.

  "..I just need a few files. Ok?" He hummed. "But I know you really can't just let me walk out of here with them. Oh- would you look at that." He pointed to the files that the boy had clutched to his chest. Those were the ones he needed. He seemed to tighten his grip as he pointed to them. "...tell me, what's your name?"

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