Watch Your Mouth (Ransushi)

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Word count: 2405

Warnings: smut


Atsushi sat up and yawned, stretching his arms. He looked outside. A Sunday, the second day of the weekend before he had to go back to work. He smiled softly. Early mornings always were so refreshing, if he wasn't tired when he woke up. He looked at the time. Oh. It wasn't early. It was 12 pm, it was just cloudy and grey outside. There goes that..

Atsushi sighed and gets out of bed, stretching. He only sleeps in a large t-shirt and boxers. It was the most comfy thing he could sleep in. He walks to the bathroom and brushes his hair, then splashed cold water on his face. Thinking he could wake himself up, forgetting he was part cat and despised water. He freaked out at the cold water and grabbed a towel, rubbing his face until all ounces of wetness were gone. He huffed and hung up the towel, feeling stupid. Well, he was most definitely awake now, at least.

He got dressed. And by dressed, changed his boxers and put on leggings. That's it. He intended to spend the entire day relaxing at home. He made himself a cup of noodles and sat down comfy on a stack of blankets that was a makeshift couch. Of course, his doorbell rang. He blinked, tilting his head. Who.. who could it be? 0:?

Atsushi didn't have a peep hole, to see who was on the other side. Well, he did but— it was broken. Didn't work. Cracked and smudged and fogged. He opened the door. "Good morning!" Ranpo exclaimed loudly, announcing his arrival loudly to the entire apartment.

Good morning. Of course, Ranpo would wake up around the same time as Atsushi. Heh. Atsushi smiled and hugged Ranpo. "Morning."

Ranpo stepped in quickly and shut the door, ruffling Atsushi's hair. "Your face looks slightly red. You splashed water in your face and rubbed it harshly with a towel, didn't you?" He clicked his tongue. "You really are an idiot, when will you learn?" He patted the others head, having to stand on his top toes as he did so.

Ranpo most certainly wasn't dressed for work, only a large sweater and black skinny jeans. The sweaters sleeves went over his hands. "Sooo, what does my lover wanna do?" Ranpo hummed, innocently. Of course.

"You." Atsushi's eyes practically sparkled. Ranpo huffed and pulled Atsushi into a cuddle type position on the stacked blankets.

"You're a big perv. Plus, you know you could never fuck me." Ranpo snickered. "You get all confident and then the second I have you on your back you lose all of it."

"Pth." Atsushi merely sticks his tongue out with a soft blush on his face. He always, always thought confidence would never come to him. Ever. But it seemed the weretiger had a talent for teasing. And teasing only, always cowering the moment he faces consequences for his daring words. Ranpo blamed Dazai for the amount of sex jokes Atsushi was able to confidently make. 

  Ranpo smiled as the other stuck out his tongue at him, merely connecting their lips and taking the others tongue into his mouth, slipping his own tongue in the others mouth. A Sunday afternoon with no work... a perfect time to make out with his boyfriend. As suspected, Atsushi practically melted into the kiss, letting Ranpo take the lead. He held him close, playing with his hair and running his hands along his torso. He loved him so much...

  But even he couldn't reward his bratty behavior. Ranpo pulled away right in the middle of what should've been a rather long make out session. It was sudden. Atsushi frowned, his lips red. "W-what.." he wanted to know why Ranpo moved away. It only took a look at the others smirk to know it was a punishment. Atsushi hid his face in the others chest.

  "What do we saaaaay~?" Ranpo purred as he twirled a long strand of the others hair with his finger.

  "I'm sorry." The weretiger murmured weakly, it being muffled by the fact he was hiding his face.

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