Ropes (Chuuatsu)

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Word Count: 3104

Warning: NSFW

Out of all the votes (including both Wattpad and AO3), I've written Chuuatsu! Pt 2 of Voodoo will be coming out soon once I've finished moving! And also , how would you guys feel about oc x cc one shots? let me know in the comments! Enjoy!


  "I'll see you later, guys." Atsushi waved his hand to the rest of his detective friends with a smile.

  "Where exactly do you think you're going?" Kunikida raised an eyebrow.

  "All of my reports and missions are done for the day." Atsushi seemed so happy.

  "Then I suppose you're free to go. Although something else has been bothering me." The blonde pushed up his glasses. "I don't quite recall you ever having fingered gloves, I thought they were fingerless."

  "You're just imagining things, Kunikida." Atsushi was quick to steer away from the topic. "Bye now!" He was quick to leave. Yes, he'd bought gloves that actually covered his fingers. To hide his wedding ring.

  Atsushi Nakajima of the Armed Detevtive Agency was married to Chuuya Nakahara, Boss of the Port Mafia. It was an insane thought, to quite literally everyone except those two. Due to safety reasons, the two had been hiding their marriage. Atsushi finished his work so he could see his lover the rest of his day. And Chuuya was the boss, who didn't use time off unless he could see Atsushi. Just so it wouldn't seem suspicious if he was taking too many days off.

  Where do you wanna meet :> -Precious

  Coffee shop near the docks- CHUUYA!!!

  Alright :] - Precious.

  Atsushi shut off his phone as he made his way to the coffee shop. His phone buzzed again.

  Hey it's still Chuuya, my phone just died and I realized I didn't bring a charger so I'm borrowing someone's phone. Can we change it to the diner near the convenience store? -Unknown

  Atsushi tilted his head, typing a yes before he put his phone back in his pocket. It didn't seem odd to him at all that the other would let his phone die. Chuuya practically kept it on all the time, and he wouldn't put it past him to forget. He hummed and turned on his heel, beginning to walk to the diner with a smile. He sure does hope Chuuya deleted the message on whoever's phone that was, otherwise it would make the red head suspicious.

  Atsushi opened the door to the diner, but as he was about to walk in, his arm was grabbed and he was yanked into an alleyway. He let out a yelp, but it was muffled by a hand over his mouth. Right- his ability. Just as he was about to use it to break out of whoever was holding him, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck. A needle, and what felt like a thick something being injected into his blood stream. Not only did Atsushi find himself not able to use his ability, he found himself slowly starting to lose consciousness, and eventually he did. Falling asleep.

  Chuuya hummed as he sat down at the cafe. That's odd, normally Atsushi would be here first, already having ordered a big strawberry and watermelon shake for the two to share. Gosh how he loved him. He waited for about ten minutes. This just didn't make sense now. Where was he? Chuuya at first thought that, like many times before, Atsushi had gotten distracted buying Chuuya a gift. He loved every little thing Atsushi got him. But after fifteen more minutes, Chuuya started to worry.

  He did the only logical thing and called Atsushi. He suddenly had a bad feeling, wishing he had it 25 minutes ago so that he could've taken action sooner. "Hello, Atsushi?" He was quick to speak when the phone was picked up.

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