The Agency's Kitten (Dazushi)

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(This is a prequel to the chapter I wrote called 'Love Potion'. Feel free to read this first then go read the sequel-prequel after if you haven't already!)

(AU: Mafia Boss Dazai AU)

(Warnings: Mild smut)

(Word Count: 5395)

(Request: Would it be too much trouble to ask for a sequel to this only as a prequel and from Dazai's pov like this one was mainly from Atsushi's? I'd love too see how Dazai reacted when he met the agency's kitten and how he began to plan to get said kitty as his (I love mafia Dazai obssessing over sweet innocent Atsushi), you could even have it end when Atsushi enters the interrogation room and have Dazai think something like "show time" or "let the games begin" as a way to link it to this one? Sorry I can't help it this one was my favorite out of this so far and I'd love to see Mafia Dazai go all obsessed over Atsushi!)


  "Now now." Dazai chuckled, shaking his head as he held up two hands. One to touch Akutagawa's forehead, and the other to touch— who he assumed was the weretiger's forehead. Nullifying both of their abilities.

  Akutagawa, like the idiot he was, had gone off without any orders or confirmation it was ok to do so, and had tried to catch the weretiger. Such a high bounty, and for what? Truly, he doubted the Guild put such a high price on his head simply because of how cute his face was.

  Anyways, the tiger transformed back into a human being. The same one from the photo. Mm.. "D-Dazai-San-!" Akutagawa was caught of guard. And clearly not thinking. Dazai crushed the bone of his hand with his foot, causing a hiss in pain. That's all it was. Dazai had done much worse than crack a bone or two.

  "I believe you meant Boss." God, he could be so incredibly annoying and forgetful. The only way he learned was physical punishment. How boring. How annoying.

  "As for you..." Dazai stared down the white haired male who'd taken a few steps back from him; sleeves and the knee caps down of his pants torn off because of his transformation.

  "Atsushi-!" Dazai clicked his tongue in annoyance as the red head who laid on the floor... what was his name again? Tanizaki? Didn't matter. "Run!"

  "That's not very nice." The brunette has a grin on his face. One that sent shivers down Atsushi's spine. How could it not? It was terrifying.. the farthest thing from what a smile should look like. "Don't think you're above manners just because my backs to you, weretiger."

  Almost instantly Dazai turned, grabbing the fist of the white haired male, who definitely seemed surprise. "Atsushi! You can't— you can't fight this guy! Y-You... you have to go!" Tanizaki tried to force himself to get up but was kicked back down by Dazai.

  "You'll stay down if you know what's good for you." Dazai's eyes landed back on the weretiger.

  "W-what're you.." The boy's eyes were wide. Clearly— he hadn't been informed of Dazai's ability. Dazai simply smirked.

  "I must admit this is easier than I thought. I must say... it is quite tempting to keep you all to myself, though." Dazai chuckled. That comment definitely- threw off the smaller boy. Cute. The face of confusion was always cute. Or maybe it was just him.

  "Let him go, Dazai." Not Tanizaki. Ah.. Kunikida. That annoying blonde, who was holding a gun pointed at him.

  Dazai simply chuckled. "Why do you even bother? You know if you fire, you'll just miss." But- he did let go of Atsushi's arm. "It really has been fun~! You're so lucky you peaked my curiosity, Mr. Weretiger." Dazai grinned down at him.

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