Polar Opposites (Shibufyo)

671 8 5

Word Count: 3000

Warnings: NSFW


"This is quite the predicament.." Shibusawa rested his head in his hand, humming quietly to himself. Perhaps he was messing with way more things than he was supposed to..? To be fair, he does consider himself somewhat of a scientist. It's not unlike him to experiment with things no human being ever even thought of experimenting with, before.

"Yes, it would seem it is." The.. other Shibusawa murmured, crossing his arms. This Shibusawa looked just like himself; Same height, same hair, dressed the same— everything. There was a slightly different aura, something about them that differentiated each other. But Shibusawa wasn't sure what that was. For conveniences sake, he goes ahead to number him and this other Shibusawa. Himself, the original, is Shibusawa number one. And this second Shibusawa that he just accidentally pulled from a different dimension is Shibusawa number two.

"So.. I'm in another universe. Fascinating." Shibusawa 2 smiled a little to himself. "I wonder what the differences are. Can you tell me what's happened here, in your universe, in the past year?" He rested his head in his hand, and his elbow in his other hand.

Shibusawa one, who I'll just write as Shibusawa, offered a friendly smile, and nodded. "Of course. Why don't we sit and talk over some tea?" This would certainly be interesting. How to return him to his own universe, too, he wondered. Shibusawa two nodded, and Shibusawa lead him to a tea table with two chairs he had, normally occupied by him and Fyodor. He made tea and poured two cups, sitting down with the other Shibusawa.

"So.. in the last year," Shibusawa began. "Well.. I did infest Yokohama with Dragon's Breath.. I unfortunately didn't succeed in retrieving the ultra rare ability I fought so hard to obtain, however." He sighed, as though it was no big deal and just an inconvenience. "Of course, Atsushi killed me. But then.. I was revived. Again.." He chuckled. "Being revived so many times can be so very obnoxious." He sighed, resting his head in his hand as he drank his tea. "But worth it."

"I see." Shibusawa two hummed. "So the same thing that happened in my universe happened in your universe." The exact same? Surely, something had to be different. Why would there be another universe if it was just the exact same as this one? And there was a small difference in aura between the two.. he just couldn't tell what it was. "Surely, there has to be some difference. I'm not sure what it is, but I can simply sense something different about us."

Shibusawa nodded in agreement. "Yes, I have to agree with you." He murmured. He hears footsteps and can sense his lover getting out of bed. A fond smile makes its way onto his face; He can hear him huff in disappointment, as he didn't wake up beside Shibusawa. He can hear him get dressed, and can hear him leave the bedroom. Shibusawa two seems to be hearing the same thing, and has a curious look on his face. But he doesn't seem to know who it is. "Do you live with someone?"

Does his universe not have a Fyodor..? Or do they simply not live together? "I do, yes. Do you not?" Shibsuawa asked curiously. He assumed Shibusawa two was dating Fyodor in his own universe. Surely, he must be. The two were soulmates.. goodness, if he wasn't, he might have to advise him to try to when he returned to his own universe. Perhaps that was the difference, between them.

"I do not." Shibusawa two shook his head. "I'm quite curious. Is it a significant other, or is it a collaborator?" He hummed as he took a sip from his tea cup. He extends his pinky in the same way I do, and holds the cup as though it's made of paper thin glass, just like I do. Surely, if they were so similar, why wouldn't he be dating Fyodor. He was tempted to ask about the Russian in the other's universe. There was a chance he didn't exist in the universe at all. But.. no, he had to. He said that the same thing that happened to Shibusawa this year happened to him, too. Fyodor must have existed to revive him.

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