Happy Birthday, Atsushi (Dazushi)

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Model!Dazai AU, Modern AU

Word Counts: 5570


"Oh jeez- I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok! Don't worry about it! Accidents happen."

"...ah- uhm.. I-I can- replace it for you, though, if you'd like."

A laugh. "Really, it's ok."

  "Happy Birthday, Atsushi!" Kyouka put her hands together with a soft smile. She watched as the white haired male grinned, carefully opening the wrapped present she'd given him.

  "Woah— no way!" Atsushi's eyes widened and practically sparkles, with a wide grin on his face. He held a magazine in his hands. The boy's most favorite model in the entire world, an incredibly rare issue to get your hands on. It wasn't just a couple pages of him and then whatever else the magazine wanted in it. It was all him. Even custom poses and a couple of him shirtless at paid requests of patrons. And not only that, on the front it was signed! "Happy Birthday, Sushi ♡︎ ~ Dazai Osamu."

  "Kyouka!! How did you get this!?" Atsushi couldn't practically be any happier than he was right now. The purplette giggled softly, a small smile on her face.

  "I remembered when you wanted to go meet him in person to have him sign one of your magazines, but you ended up getting sick on that day and couldn't go.. so, I went for you. I didn't have any magazines of his so I just bought the most expensive one I could." Kyouka hummed.

  "Ah, you're the greatest friend ever!" Atsushi grinned brightly, pulling her in for a tight hug. It truly did mean a lot that Kyouka took into consideration that day, and went and got it signed. Not just his name either! She had him write a specific message for him! Even if Dazai had billions of fans... even if he didn't even remember signing it, and even if it meant nothing to him, it meant the entire world to Atsushi.

  Kyouka's phone went off. She sighed. Her and Atsushi had scheduled a couple hours to hang out today, and she'd surprised him with his birthday present near the end. Now, she had to get back to work. Kyouka taught a junior karate class for children under the age of 15. "Ah— you should get back to class." Atsushi sighed, scratching the back of his head. "I'm sure that you students probably aren't very fond of Kunikida subbing for you."

  No, no they were not.

  "It'll teach them patience." Kyouka sighed softly with a little chuckle. She waved her goodbyes to her white haired friend, before heading off back to the dojo. "See you!"

  Atsushi sighed softly, giggling as he held the magazine close. Of course, he was incredibly happy to have a magazine of the model he admired most in the world, signed by him. But he also cherished it as a gift. Because of this he had to make sure absolutely nothing happened to it. If it were just a magazine he bought himself, he could easily replace it if something happened to it. But this was bought and given to him by his best friend. No matter how many he bought, he wouldn't be able to properly replace it. So.. yeah.

  Of course, as if by ironic timing, Atsushi was suddenly shoved to the ground. It was obvious the person who did it was in a hurry... and much taller than the boy given the force he shoved him. Atsushi fell to the ground, on his stomach, and the magazine had fallen out of his hands, ended up getting trampled on by the person who shoved him. It was a complete accident, of course. The man quickly turned. "Ah-! My deepest apologies, miss!" The male leaned down, not aware he was still standing on the magazine, and offered a hand to him.

  Atsushi took his hand. The male had significantly bigger hands than he did.. and his voice was a little deep. "...I-I'm a guy..." he politely corrected him. The white haired male looked up at him as he stood up. He wore a black straw sun hat, and had sunglasses on. His hair was tied back in a short ponytail. He wore a white T-shirt, a black vest over it and blue jeans. "Ah-!" The brunette noticed he was stepping on something that belonged to the boy. He stepped off, staring down at the magazine curiously. Atsushi scurried to pick it up. It was covered in footprints and dirt. "O-oh jeez..." What absolutely awful timing..

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