Ruin Me (Dazatsu)

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Word Count: 6060

Warnings: NSFW


Everybody wanted him.

Maybe none of them ever said it, but Dazai knew. Anyone who came across Atsushi's path felt an attraction towards him. He's sure it's confused them, and they all ignored it. But Dazai didn't, and he examined every single one of those pathetic people.

Atsushi Nakajima wasn't any Dazai; He wasn't insanely attractive, he didn't go around with any girl he could get his hands on. He wasn't a ladies man, he didn't flirt, he didn't care about his appearance. That was not what made them all attracted to him, no. It was the sheer innocence of the boy. The innocence of the man eating weretiger, as ironic as that sounds. He was oblivious to many things. His skin was soft and smooth, not tainted by the scars of his past (at least, that they could see).His eyes were beautifully golden, surrounded by a dark violet. It resembled a sunset, in Dazai's opinion. And he's sure he's not the only one that thinks so. Which was a problem for Dazai.

Dazai supposed he couldn't blame them, but he could be upset with them. I mean, they were so terribly obvious, whether they wanted him platonically or romantically. And doesn't Osamu Dazai deserve Atsushi Nakajima, if anyone does?

Dazai isn't stupid.

He's seen the way that Tanizaki begins to nervously fidget when Atsushi talks to him kindly. He sees the way his cheeks turn pink when he gets caught staring at Atsushi, who gives a friendly and oblivious wave. He sees the way Tanizaki pulls away from his sister in favor of going over to converse with the weretiger instead. He sees the way Tanizaki's body stiffens when Atsushi hugs him or puts a hand on his shoulder. And he's seen Tanizaki's all too wandering eyes on Atsushi many many times. Hazy eyes, eyes imagining something Dazai deserved and Tanizaki did not; Stripping Atsushi of his innocence.

Dazai sees the way Ranpo's eyes, although hidden, flicker to the weretiger constantly. No one noticed, because they were so close, but Dazai saw the way that his head would turn about a half a centimeter towards the weretiger. He's seen the way that Ranpo rests his head on his arms when he doesn't want to do work, and opens his green eyes to only watch Atsushi. He's seen the way he's grabbed Atsushi; His hand, his shoulder— Ranpo had the gall to grab his waist one time. And at the same time he was hit with such a sharp glare from Dazai, he never did so again.

Even those who felt nothing for him have felt the urge to do something to him at the very least once. For the obnoxious blonde ideal-obsessed man, Dazai imagined Kunikida had an incredibly unsavory dream. It was only for a few days, but Kunikida seemed quite uncomfortable and/or awkward around Atsushi. Dazai had labeled him as a threat those few days, before it wore off and he realized what must have happened. Yosano, however, had no interest in men. He didn't have to worry about her.

Oh, but it was just as much outside of the Agency as it was the inside.

Dazai sees the way that Akutagawa's eyes linger too long on Atsushi when Rashoumon has him tied up. What those eyes could possibly be imagining, only Dazai and Akutagawa knew. He's seen the way Akutagawa takes any chance he can to touch him; Grab his chin harshly to fein hostility, Grab his waist harshly to hold him still. One night, Akutagawa and Atsushi had teamed up for a battle. Dazai had a funny feeling, and so followed. Atsushi walked Akutagawa home, and Akutagawa dared to invite Atsushi to come inside. Dazai had appeared suddenly out of nowhere, exclaiming that he found Atsushi and that they needed to get back to the Agency. Naturally, Akutagawa gave up right then and shut the door. Dazai acknowledged him none.

Chuuya was perhaps in the same boat as Kunikida. He had felt something, and knew it. Whether or not he had a dream, Dazai didn't know. He just knew that the red head actively avoided Atsushi, and one day stopped doing so. Perhaps the feelings were temporary and wore off..? Dazai wasn't sure, but if Chuuya wasn't a threat, then he wasn't complaining.

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