Boy Friends (Soukoku)

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Word count: 3360

Warnings: NSFW


  "It's our time~!"

  Dazai smiled as Atsushi began to sing, and quickly joined in with the guitar, making sure to keep up with the weretiger. Heh.. that was the nickname the lead singer of their band got. He was unsure why. Maybe it was his attire and hair? Meh, who cares.

  Dazai's eyes couldn't help but scan the crowd. Their rival band was to be playing today. A band Dazai used to be apart of. The reason why he left was still unknown, but it probably had something to do with their manager. But all of that was a secret. Now, he played the guitar happily with his friends. But he kept looking at the crowd.

  He sees no one. He can't find the person he's looking for. Dazai turns his body slightly as his guitar solo comes up, and he does fabulous as always. He remembers why he learned the guitar to begin with. And he always remembers it, whenever he has this solo. Because if just put so much feeling and emotion into it.


  Dazai, age five. He'd left class, and was peeking through the window of another class. "Don't you have a class to be in?"

  He was picked up by the back of his shirt then placed down. Dazai huffed and turned to look at his friend. Oda, age ten. A fifth grader. They'd befriended each other nearly instantly since Dazai had been at this school. Unfortunately, Oda would be leaving for middle school next year.

  "Maybe." Dazai huffed and stood on his tip toes to look through the window of the classroom. "..Why can't I be in this class?" He mumbled. "Can I ask them? To be in this class?"

  "I dunno." Oda shrugged. "I never asked to switch classes. But you should talk to the principal... after school. So you don't get in trouble—" Oda watches as Dazai instead walks into the classroom. He groans, and simply waits outside.

  Dazai looks around, his entrance not being known. There's so much going on. 'There he is..!' Dazai thinks, and he stared in awe at another kid. He doesn't know his name, but he has red hair and blue eyes. He's six, but they're only a month apart in age. Dazai would be six soon, too. He rushes over to the kid, who's holding a small little guitar. It has buttons you press that make noise. It's a toy. But neither of them know that. It's very real to the both of them.

  "Hey! Hey!" Dazai tugged at the kid's sleeve, earning him his attention.

  "Aaa? You're not in this class." The boy huffed.

  "Play! Can you play a song? I wanna hear..!" The red head seemed to stop contemplating on snitching when the brunette seemed so in awe and excited over the guitar.

  "Yeah!!" The kid stands and quickly begins to "play", pressing random buttons along the guitar. Pulling the make shift strings like that would do anything. It sounds like one big mess, but Dazai's eyes are sparkling once he finishes.

  "Woaaaah! Teach me how to do that!" Dazai gasped.

  "I'm not a teacher." The kid tilted his head. "Do you want to be in music class?" Dazai nodded, and Chuuya takes his hand. "Cmon, let's go ask Ms. Teacher. And we can play a duet together. What's your name?"

  "Dazai Osamu.. what's yours?" It wasn't just the guitar he was in awe of.

  "Chuuya. Nakahara Chuuya."

Dazai felt his lips seal shut when Chuuya lead him to the teacher, who was writing sheet music. "Excuse me! Miss teacher!" He tugged at her sleeve. She looked to him and smiled.

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