My God (ShinSoukoku)

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(god/goddess and humans AU)

(Word count: 6058)

IT HAS A SEQUEL CALLED "THE WEDDING (SHINSOUKOKU)"! If you like it, there's a sequel one shot!


"Atsushi- hurry!" There was a knock on his door.

The white haired boy quickly put on his shoes, opening it to see smoke overlaying the village. Everyone rushing to a stone platform. The smoke was a symbol. It always appeared before the village's god.

Atsushi quickly rushed in with the crowd, who surrounded the stone platform as a figure's shadow emerged from the smoke. Their god... Ryunsouke Akutagawa.

Atsushi was quick to take a knee. He was their god after all. But none of the villagers seemed to do the same. Was he not supposed to, anymore? No; he would show respect for the deity before him.

The god had black hair with white tips, oddly cut. His skin was pale. Did he even have blood running through his body? He wore a black and dark grey robe, the elegantly planted itself on the floor, hiding his feet. His purple eyes darted across the crowd rather violently. He didn't seem all too happy. And it was no surprise as to why not.

"For one million four hundred and thirty seven thousand six hundred and twenty seven years has this village been under my protection and care. I have kept droughts from withering away your crops, I have kept locusts from feeding on your resources. I've stopped major storms from flooding your village and killing your children."

"And we are- very thankful, my lord!" The head of the Village, known as their director of sorts, was quick to speak, giving a respectful bow of the head.

"Then why has only one of you shown it?" Akutagawa growled, his voice sharp like a sword. He was clearly unhappy with the village. "Eight years ago, the offerings to my temple in exchange for good will became weekly. And then every other week; and then monthly. They became yearly, and five years ago they completely stopped."

"..." The Director cleared his throat. "My lord—"

"Did I say I was done speaking?"

The brown haired male lowered his head in shame and let the god speak.

"The audacity of this village... every day I receive prayers of want, demanding that I continue my goodwill towards this village and yet you give nothing in return. I held out hope that offerings would start up again for five years, but look at where we are now."

"We are so very sorry my lord!" One of the other heads of the village spoke, taking a knee.

"Please, tell us how we may repay you for our sins." Another said, also taking a knee. And by the end of the pleaing, the entire town had joined Atsushi on their knees.

Akutagawa still didn't seem too pleased. "I require a human sacrifice." Gasps erupted among the village. "If I'm not presented with a human life at my temple, I will tear your village apart and kill every first born." That included children, teens, adults, even elderly who were the first child. "And then the regular offerings must continue three times a week, or I'll come to take more lives."

Atsushi swallowed thickly, staring at the angry god who's eyes furiously scanned the crowd. Atsushi felt like his soul was dragged out when the god's eyes locked with his. His eyes widened and he felt a bead of sweat slip down his cheek, he swallowed thickly, quickly lowering his head to intensely stare at the ground.

The director noticed it too. Ah...

Smoke erupted throughout the village as Akutagawa spoke. "By tomorrow at sunrise, the human sacrifice will be in my temple. If not, there will be hell to pay." And with that, the figure disappeared with the smoke.

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