Set Up (Soukoku)

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(Warnings: nsfw)
(Word count: 4124)


  "...are- you serious?" This had to be just- an incredibly bad joke. Right..? Right. Yeah— yeah. Definitely.

"I'm completely serious!" Mori put his hands together with a smile.

"You have like a hundred women who could do it just fine!! Why do I gotta?" Chuuya was- very angry. And for- good reason.

His next mission was to— cross dress... as a prostitute.. to get close to a man, steal something from him, then kill him. "What about Gin? Or Higuchi? Or Kouyou? Literally anybody else!!?"

"Gin and Higuchi already have a mission for tomorrow night. And Kouyou has an important meeting to attend elsewhere." Mori still wore a smile on his face. This was very funny. "There's no need to act so bashful. Just go in, steal, kill, and get out~! There won't be any cameras so don't be so embarrassed about cross dressing!"

Chuuya might've been fine with cross dressing if it wasn't— as a prostitute.. "You've gotta be shitting me."

"You're dismissed~! Don't forget, this mission is a direct order from me! So you can't chicken out."

"Fuckin bastard." Chuuya huffed to himself as he took a drink from a shot. He'd gone to a bar and was now getting morbidly drunk to deal with the coming mission.

Seriously.. this was absolutely unfair. He had to spend the rest of the day tomorrow shopping for a sexy female outfit, and he had to put on make up— God, who's he kidding? Literally- Chuuya could pass as a woman with just female attire. His hair was long enough.

After Chuuya got blackout drunk, he returned to his house, where he collapsed on his couch. Who the hell was this guy, anyway, that he was supposed to seduce? What was so important about the information he had on a hard drive? How'd they even find out about this mission?

Chuuya ended up passing out. Annoyed is an— amazing way to put it. Tomorrow he would be walking around with Kouyou. Shopping for women's clothing... God, if Dazai saw him walking around doing that? Well, he'd probably commit some type of crime. Murder, probably. Yeah, murder. Arson too. Hell, who knows :]

The next morning, Chuuya avoided the first three hours of the day since he was- hungover and such. Though eventually he did have to get up. He got dressed into a clean uniform, brushed his teeth and hair and put on his shoes and hat. He met up with Kouyou at their designated meet up spot. "I'm quite surprised the Boss has put you on this mission." Kouyou giggled.

Chuuya huffed and muttered and grumbled all angrily, crossing his arms as he poutily walked beside the taller female. "It's not fair... there are a bunch of women in the mafia.."

"Well, the request the man had given for a prostitute was a short red head." Kouyou hummed. "You fit that description perfectly so it's only natural that you're the choice."

"Gotta be shitting me..." Chuuya crossed his arms.

"We'll get you a dress and heels, oo maybe even stockings too. I'll do your makeup—" Kouyou was gonna have wayyyyy too much fun with this. Shsbshb.

"Look, I can just wear a dress and I'll be fine!" Chuuya huffed as Kouyou dragged him into a store. "We don't need to- act all over dramatic about it.." Obviously, he would be able to defend himself if this mystery man got too handsy. The thought of... that. It made him shiver a little.

And Kouyou seemed to be able to tell. "Don't worry. According to the phone call, he's more of a watching man than one who will try and physically do something to you. And even if he does you always have your ability." Even without his ability, his self defense was astronomical.

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