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Word count: 3836


"This is.. humiliating."

Atsushi stared at himself in the mirror with a soft sigh. The male had been selected for a mission. It wasn't more of a selection, it was more of a... no one else wanted to do it. A wig, around the same color as his own hair, with fluffy bangs split in the middle covering his forehead, was neatly placed onto his head. It was lengthy, put into a loose braid. Atsushi has naturally long eyelashes, and his lips were glossy and pink in general. So no make up was needed.

He.. did have to stuff the top of his shirt.

You see, this mission required cross dressing. There would be a deal struck tonight, a criminal organization from America would pay good money to be escorted into safe grounds in Japan, by the mafia themselves. They were meant to stop it without giving the Mafia a reason to attack them, and so, Atsushi had to disguise himself as a woman.

He wore a black turtle neck. At first he'd stuffed it, but that made it look rather unrealistic, lumpy or uneven. And when he examined himself in the mirror.. his chest had a natural curve to it. He could simply pass as a flat chested woman. He put on a black skirt that went down to mid thighs, and black semi-transparent stockings met the skirt halfway. He wore black heels, to make him look taller.

If Atsushi wasn't so embarrassed by this he might even be attracted to himself. Hey, he was a pretty cute chick.

Atsushi took a small breath, and then walked out of the room. " does it look?" He asked, less than enthusiastically.

Yosano put her hands together as she narrowed her eyes, inspecting him. Who better to get advice from to disguise as a woman than.. a woman. "It looks perfect." She scratched her chin. "How does your female voice sound?"

Atsushi wasn't too ashamed of his female voice, as all he had to do was simply up the pitch and his voice was naturally smooth. "Does this sound believable?" If it were Atsushi's normal voice, it could most definitely slide as a male voice too. In short, it worked for both genders.

"Perfect!" Yosano grinned. "Go on now! We can't have you being late." Atsushi was fairly sure Yosano cared more about having a feminine human to doll up rather than the actual mission. Never the less, Atsushi headed out the door.

Atsushi hummed quietly. Why did he feel like so many people were looking at himself for? He did recall- Yosano giving him a small warning.. For a day, Atsushi was female. And the world could be very cruel to females. He didn't think it was too bad, as he'd always grown up in the orphanage and didn't realize just how many perverted and drunk men would grab at any female near them.

Atsushi only got stared as he finally arrived at the meeting place. It was a fancy hotel. It had a bar, a lounge, everything. He scanned the perimeter as he sat down at a stool at the bar. "..." Okay, look for anything suspicious. The bar wasn't too full..

"Hey, gorgeous." Out of seemingly nowhere, Atsushi felt a hand on his waist. A man, probably around six foot, and definitely had an American accent.. plus his Japanese was absolute garbage.

Atsushi swallowed thickly, and moved off of the seat. "I'm sorry.. I'm not interested." He could see it in the man's eyes. He wanted one thing.

"Oh? But I haven't even said anything yet." The man simply took steps forward equal to the amount that Atsushi had taken back. He had a smirk on his face. Atsushi stood his ground, only huffing.

"I already know what you want and I can assure you it's not the same as what I want. Good night." Atsushi turned on his heel, ready to leave the bar. Two firm hands clasped themselves on his waist, and what a strong grip they had. He was yanked back, up against the front of the man. His eyes widened. What..? Why was he- Atsushi said no. Why was he still touching him like this..?

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