A Difficult Case (Chuuran)

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Warning: nsfw, gore

Word count: 3498


"Damn.." Chuuya hissed to himself as he took another shot. This was so frustrating it wasn't even funny at this point.

The boss had given him a case. Someone had been kidnapping and brutally murdering mafia members. They use the same method every time. They tie the person down, put starved rats on their stomach, trapping the rats with a metal container. Then, they put firey hot coal on top of the container. Not only would the metal start to burn and press into the victim, but the rats would eat their way out of the person alive to survive. One victim was even unfortunate enough to have had the coal melt through the metal container and fall into his intestines.

It wasn't just mafia members that were being kidnapped. There were two unidentified bodies, because the rats had eaten their faces off, but their uniforms matched that of the office workers at the detective agency. It didn't make sense to Chuuya. At least the mafia- they were 'evil', and deserved bad things. But the agency?

Each time he had to check the victims he couldn't help but feel..: terrified. What if one day the victim was Ranpo? Why Ranpo?

Chuuya had no idea.

Ever since their fight whilst the Boss and the Agency Director were unconscious and dying, the black haired male had completely preoccupied his brain. He saw his pretty green eyes everywhere, his simple hat everywhere, his stupid grin everywhere. It was driving him insane.

He brought a hand up to his head and pressed his forehead against it, leaning forward a little. Damn.. and here he was worrying about him since the organization he is apart of is being targeted by this mysterious villain. Whatever... it must be because of hatred, though. I mean what else could it possibly be? Not- fondness, right? No, never.

"Fuck..." Chuuya was supposed to be focusing on a case and here he was, battling his feelings for someone from the Agency. God.. it's his fault for being so goddamn... shsbsidis.

The red head lifted his head from his hand, surprised to see the exact same raven haired male he was thinking about... sitting there. Right next to him. He was without his coat or hat, simply drinking. Chuuya's eyes widened slightly. What the hell... he really did hope the other wasn't too much of a mind reader.

Ranpo looked to him once the other noticed him and grinned. "Oh hey, what a complete and total coincidence to see you're coincidentally in the same place that I coincidentally am also at." He snickered as he pulled out a lollipop, placing it on his tongue. His drink wasn't even alcohol. It was lemonade.

"...the hell do you want?" Chuuya huffed as he lit a cigarette and took a puff, turning his head away. Stupid pretty detective man.. showing up at the worst possible time.

"A little birdie told me you happened to be in charge of a mission for your organization~ I happen to be in charge of the same case for my own organization." Ranpo grinned. "And you, Mr. Fancy Hat, have come to a dead end!" He announced as if- it was a good thing. He pointed to Chuuya with a big smile, who only had one thought. Those hands would be prettier on me...Nuh uh don't think about the other touching you that's weird—

"You come here to mock me, you dick?" He scoffed and took another shot.

"I came to offer you help." Ranpo grinned, pulling the lollipop out of his mouth to give it a lick. Tongue would be better on my neck... shut the fuck up. What the hell... weird mf thoughts.

Chuuya raised an eyebrow. "We both know you can solve that damn case perfectly well all by yourself. The hell do you wanna offer your help to me for?"

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