Blood and Lust (Dazatsu)

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Warning: spice and blood

I'm super sorry for being inactive! I'm in the middle of moving across the country ^^


Atsushi looked at the list he was given by Yosano as he walked through the streets. He was going supply shopping but she had a few patients to help and heal so he was going out to get them for her. Dazai hadn't shown up to work that day, but Atsushi didn't question it. His boyfriend wasn't exactly the most reliable coworker in the world..

He walked into a pharmacy to get pain relieving type things and all sizes of bandais, and a bunch of bandages. Thankfully he wasn't running on his own budget. Given just enough for the medical supplies. He was waiting in line at the checkout when his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket.

From ♡︎

Atsushi smiled. Ah, it was Dazai. He was glad he texted. He wondered if the other just woke up, or something along those lines. He moved forward in line as he opened the text message.

Baaaabbbeeeyyyyy can you come over?

Atsushi giggled quietly to himself. Oh, the amount of times he and his lover had skipped work to simply cuddle or go on dates or- engage in more intimate activities. Dazai really was a bad influence. And Atsushi wouldn't have it any other way.

Im at work

Atsushi responded before moving up to the register and scanning his things before paying for them, then leaving with everything in two plastic bags. He checked his phone again.

No you're not! You're out and about I can see ur location

Atsushi nervously smiled to himself.

I just got some things for Yosano but I have to go back now. I don't want me ditching to become something regular

Dazai seemed oddly persistent.

Please ):

Atsushi sighed and put a hand over his head before turning on his heel, changing directions. He was no longer heading to the agency, he was heading to Dazai's apartment. Once he got there, he lifted a fist to knock on the door. But it opened before he could make contact with it. "Atsushi!" Dazai's bubbly and loudly loving voice filled Atsushi's ears. "Yaaay! I'm so glad you decided to come over!" Dazai had a blanket over him. Perhaps he was having one of his lazy days.

Atsushi stepped in and kicked off his shoes, smiling a little and setting down the bag. "..well.. I couldn't not come over when you're being so persistent. And annoying about it." He puffed out his cheeks in a pout.

"Ah Ah ah-" Dazai tapped the other's lips and removed the blanket off of hismelf with a smile. "What did I say about back talk~?"

"I'm not- a kid." Atsushi felt his cheeks go pink and he looked away, crossing his arms. "..anyways-" he quickly changed the subject. "..did you.. wanna cuddle? Watch a movie? Why did you want me over?" He tilted his head curiously. As the others arms slipped around him, he felt his heart rate speed up. He smiled softly and leaned into his touch. Gosh he loved Dazai so much.

Dazai smiled and kissed his cheek. "Well... we haven't done anything in a little while." He knew what 'anything' meant. It meant anything spicy. Anything- sexy. Atsushi sighed softly as he was kissed on the lips. It was along and passionate kiss. Only proper for a make out session. Dazai definitely tried to slyly worm his tongue in once or twice but Atsushi brattyly refused.

  Dazai huffed and moved away from the kiss, leaving a flustered and panting weretiger in his steps. He smiled cockily, pushing some hair out of Atsushi's face. Said male opened his eyes weakly. His mouth was agape, gasping for air. He loved how easy it was for him to reduce his lover to shambles. He leaned down, and dragged his tongue across his neck. He felt his mouth water, and he mentally cursed himself for not being able to- maintain his self control. But then.. he needed it to survive.

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