The Waist Alone Is Ten Grand (Dazatsu + lots of others but primarily dazatsu)

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Word count: 3866

Warnings: NSFW


Atsushi Nakajima was a treasured gem amongst humanity. He was beautiful, in every way possible. His eyes were round, and dilated greatly when he saw something he liked. His eyes were a beautiful gold, fading into a deep purple. It was comparable to a sunset, really. Dazai could get lost in them for hours and hours. Atsushi's face used to be thin and pale, when Dazai first met him after the orphanage. But now, it has a soft peach color to it. His cheeks are squishy, and adorable. They're incredibly soft too. Dazai would always cup his cheeks, feeling how squishy they were. Or whenever he went in to kiss them, he'd discover their softness as well.

Atsushi's hair was one a few poked fun at once and a while. His bangs were cut diagonally, and uneven. The back of his hair wasn't too badly cut, though there was a peculiarly longer part of his hair that ran down the side of his head. Dazai had never asked him about it before, but he speculated that it was something stemming from the fact that the orphanage was abusive and torturous. They might have pulled his hair, yanked it out. Perhaps the other children cut it the way that it is now as a joke. Either way, that didn't change its strange beauty on Atsushi. It didn't look bad on him at all. In fact, he loved it and wouldn't want it any other way.

Atsushi's body wasn't something to skim past or look over. In fact, Dazai had even opted to change Atsushi's official uniform a few months after he joined the Armed Detective Agency, to better see his figure. Whether than a white button up, black tie, and black pants with black suspenders, Atsushi now wore a white, frillier button up with a black, thin bow around the collar. He wore a black skirt down to his knees. This was a more so logical change everyone agreed upon: Every time he shifted into his tiger form, his uniform's pants would rip and become shorts. It made more sense for him to adorn a skirt that wouldn't rip, rather than pants. Shorts simply wouldn't go with the outfit. Over that, around that beautiful waist of his, was a black corset. It made his figure look incredibly gorgeous. It's not even as though it's tied too tight. Atsushi complains if it is. No, that is simply his figure. And it's much better defined when he's not wearing baggy clothes.

Dazai had snatched Atsushi up before any other unworthy morsel could get their hands on him. They had been together for about a month now. And yet, even though he made sure it was made known that they were together, there were still a few souls that couldn't keep their eyes off of that beauty that was the weretiger. Dazai supposed he could understand. And he loved how those selfish eyes who wanted nothing more than to rip off Atsushi's clothes and take him for themselves would reek of and sparkle with jealousy of the idea that Dazai might have already taken his virginity. Oh, and he had. Though it didn't go how many people thought. Atsushi was quite demanding and needy.

They had been sitting down, watching a movie. Dazai was actually quite invested in the movie, enjoying the story and plot line. Atsushi didn't seem to like that too much. He offered to put on the movie and yet was displeased that Dazai was watching it. Atsushi put a hand on his thigh and climbed onto his lap. Dazai assumed he simply wanted to be held. But then Atsushi began to gently kiss his neck. Dazai paused and turned his attention towards him. Atsushi gave him needy eyes, and began to quietly beg for his attention, his touch, and eventually, after a little bit, his dick. And goodness, how could Dazai say no when Atsushi begs so very sweetly?

  But it seemed that, somehow, while everyone else managed to see and gawk at his beauty, Atsushi Nakajima didn't. Yesterday, his beloved weretiger had seemed quite down. Naturally, Dazai questioned what might be wrong. Atsushi has told him of his insecurities; He hated his face, his body, his hair, and mostly everything about himself. Dazai had told him he was worth the world and much more, but Atsushi told him he wasn't even worth five dollars. Dazai simply murmured sweet compliments to him all night until he fell asleep. And over night, he came up with a brilliant idea. It would satiate everyone, including Atsushi, who was his main priority.

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