Run Away With Me (Shinsoukoku)

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Word Count: 3045


  "This feels wrong." Tanizaki sighed quietly. He felt a little bad about it. Atsushi didn't seem the type that would spy for the Port Mafia. But at the same time, that could be what makes him such a great spy. Atsushi had been having lots of random times he leaves early or arrives late or, sometimes, doesn't show up at all. Not that it happens a lot, but every time it does it's always random and without stating so. He always apologizes and offers to do much more work for the days he isn't there.. he seems so sincere when he apologizes.

  But unfortunately, Atsushi was now under suspicion. He himself didn't know that, of course. But Tanizaki was now on a mission to basically spy on him. He felt bad, but if he really wasn't doing anything wrong, it didn't hurt to double check. Atsushi was still at his place, and so Tanizaki hid in a bush outside of it to spy. If Atsushi left, he'd follow him. But instead of leaving, someone else went to his place. Tanizaki kept completely silent as, who he remembered as Akutagawa, walked up the stairs to the door of Atsushi's apartment. Is he going to attack..? Or could Atsushi truly be a spy, and is going to tell him information..? Tanizaki watched as Akutagawa didn't knock, but took out a key and unlocked the door, walking in and closing it behind him.

  What the.. Spy or not, Akutagawa having a key to Atsushi's apartment was very odd. Did Atsushi give him a key..? Or is he breaking in with a key he stole? What is going on..? Tanizaki huffed, unable to deduce anything from the sight alone. For about eight hours Tanizaki stood there and did nothing but watch. He caught glimpses of the two through the windows once and a while, but as Akutagawa left, Tanizaki found that he didn't seem injured and that he'd achieved absolutely nothing from this stake out. About ten minutes after Akutagawa left, to make sure he wouldn't see Tanizaki when he stood, he stood up and sighed. He dusted leaves and dirt off of his clothes and returned to the Agency.

  Everyone, every agency member besides Atsushi knew about this. Tanizaki was looked at expectantly as he walked into the Agency. "..well.." he scratched the back of his head "..Akutagawa went to Atsushi's house, then left after eight hours. I didn't hear- fighting or anything.. and neither came out harmed." He wished he knew the situation exactly, because it sounded very bad. But it was the truth.

  "I see." Kunikida murmured, and wrote it down. More and more was pointing at Atsushi being a spy. Dazai simply rested his head in his hand, frustrated. And Ranpo had refused to deduce the situation. Either that, or he had already deduced the situation and refused to tell them what was going on. Regardless, Atsushi was acting very suspicious. And this harmless eight hour long meetup with a mafioso that he seemed to hate only made him more suspicious. "Write a report on it.. then we're done for the day." Kunikida sighed.

  Tanizaki nodded, and did so.


  "Stay late?" Kunikida looked down at Atsushi and crossed his arms. He'd been much more strict with him than he had been before he was suspected. Atsushi could sense something much different regarding the Agency. He just didn't know what. Everyone else was getting ready to leave. Atsushi offered a nervous smile, which wasn't unusual for Atsushi. But Kunikida unfortunately have to wonder if such a nervous personality was an act.

  "I have.. a lot of reports to do." He murmured. "I didn't get anything done yesterday so I'm getting two things done at once. It's- I'm gonna have to stay late for that." Atsushi explained. It was a logical explanation, unfortunately. Kunikida holds onto an idea.

  He pushed up his glasses. "Very well." Atsushi isn't questioned any further and everyone except him leaves. Though once outside of the office, Kunikida leans against the wall next to the door. Everyone stops to look back at him.

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