An Interesting Turn Of Events (Polydecay+Shibusawa)

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Word count: 2886

Warnings: smut


"I took out the old security cameras. They're all thrown away." Shibusawa crossed his arms, looking up at Sigma who was adjusting a chandelier on a latter. The two had been working all day, fixing small things at the Casino. Shibusawa volunteered but was relatively a little bored from doing so much work. He hadn't broken a sweat. Sigma was the same.

Shibusawa was dating Fyodor, who had met a man named Nikolai. As far as he was concerned, Nikolai fell in love with Fyodor. But Fyodor had already been with Shibusawa. He'd rejected him. Nikolai was heart broken, but still invited Fyodor and Shibusawa to his organization. It didn't surprise him that Fyodor decided to join. And of course, Shibusawa did too.

That's when he met him; Sigma. The manager of the Casino. Sigma and Nikolai were still together. Both Shibusawa and Fyodor were happy that Nikolai found love. Neither of the couples and intentions of thwarting the others. However..

"Thank you, I really appreciate it. You can take a break, you know. You don't have to help." Sigma smiled, looking down at him, hands still on the chandelier.

Shibusawa didn't so much mind the idea. He smiled. "I wouldn't be opposed to a break." He clicked his tongue. "Sigma, dear, when you get a minute, would you mind meeting me in my room? Thanks." He doesn't even let Sigma answer. He simply walked to his room.

For some reason, Sigma felt butterflies in his stomach. He blinked a few times. When did it get hot? He felt— something. He wasn't sure what it was. But whatever it was, Shibusawa could smell it. Some type of nervousness. A strong one too. He merely chuckled to himself as he walked to the room, sitting down on the desk and waiting for Sigma's arrival.

Why did Sigma have such a reaction? Surely he didn't think Shibusawa planned to harm him in any way? It was the same smell Fyodor used to radiate when they first started engaging in.. intimate activities. He missed it; Fyodor didn't radiate such nervousness or fear now that he'd gotten used to his antics. Somewhere in the back of his mind, both he and Fyodor knew that their feelings were growing beyond just each other.

Soft creams of a bed in a room in another part of the casino didn't go unheard by him. He had the senses of a beast- and some of the physical attributes to prove it. Sharp and longer than normal nails, fangs— He could hear what sounded like his lovers name. But it was Nikolai's voice. How interesting.

Shibusawa snapped out of his heightened senses at the sound of the door creaking open. He looked over nearly instantly, like a predator who'd been sitting in silence for hours and it's prey finally made noise, giving away its location. The door was hardly opened, Sigma's beautiful soft hands with pastel purple painted nails held the sides of it, and he could see half of Sigma's face and body. As though he was that prey, peeking out of its hiding spot to see if the beast was there or not.

And he was.

Shibusawa tapped his fingers on the desk with a smile as Sigma walked in, closing the door behind him. He knew why the other smelt the way he did- that oh so addicting smell- he knew why the other's face seemed awfully flushed compared to his regular skin color— he knew why the other was fidgeting with his fingers, then hair, then fingers, then hair again. But he couldn't help but tease the other.

"You look awfully red, my dear sigma..~" Shibusawa chuckled, getting off the desk, slowly taking steps towards him.

"Ah- yeah. The casino's- a little hot and— I guess doing all that work must've worked my body temperature up." Sigma comes up with a pathetic excuse. His scent is so strong. So — intoxicating.

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