Cleanliness (Dazatsu)

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Word Count: 5000

Warnings: NSFW, Mentioned SA


  "Good morning." Atsushi smiled as he walked into the office. He's greeted back with lots of good mornings from his co workers. He sat down at his desk and opened his lap top, beginning to type. As of late, there hadn't been anything particularly dangerous or intense going on in Yokohama. No one was injured, or threatened, or attacked, which was amazing! Atsushi couldn't be happier that Yokohama got to experience some peace for a few weeks. However, it did leave him with boring reports. But he supposed the lives of Yokohama were definitely worth much more than some silly reports. He smiled to himself and begins to go through paperwork.

  Atsushi blinked as a notification on his computer screen popped up, saying he had received an email. Tilting his head, he clicked on the notification and opened it. The email was from Dazai. He sighed. Dazai.. you can't be sending emails to me while we work. Kunikida's going to be furious with you when he finds out. You really should be focusing on work. Hmph... and now you're distracting me. Atsushi read the email. It simply had a <3 as the message, and linked to it was a document. He clicked on it, and it opened up a.. report.

  Atsushi felt his eye twitched and he smiled. "Dazai, seriously.. you can't just email me all of your work! You need to do at least some of it." He turned to Dazai's desk, expecting to see him sitting on his chair and mischievously sending Atsushi work related emails. But he wasn't there at all. "Ah..?" Had Dazai not shown up today..? Maybe that's why he sent him his report to do. Groaning, Atsushi supposed he had nothing better to do. He begins to type in the report.

  "I'm going out for some sweets!" Ranpo announced, then left the building. This particularly caught Atsushi's attention, because Ranpo was always sending everyone else to pick up sweets for him rather than his actual self. However, he decided Ranpo might simply be bored with sitting around all day doing nothing. However, not long after, Kunikida announced that he was going to follow up on a minor complaint he received. It was odd, as Atsushi never remembered him mentioning it in his schedule before. And it most certainly wasn't like Kunikida to stray away from his schedule, even if the day happened to be boring.

  Not long after, the Tanizaki siblings left and Kenji followed close behind, leaving Atsushi in the office with Kyouka. However, a few minutes later her face turned dark and eerie and she practically ran off. "Eh..?" Atsushi was confused. Was there something going on that he didn't know about? He sighed, deciding he'd ask about it later. He completed Dazai's report and sighed, starting on his own. He had all the time in the world to complete them, so he wasn't in any particular rush. Around twenty minutes later, he froze in fear. He heard heels clicking down the hallway at an alarming pace, and suddenly he realized why everyone had evacuated the building. Atsushi shuts his computer and dives underneath a table, staying low to the ground.

  The door opened. "Hello, everyone~!" Yosano chimed. With the way Atsushi could see her legs positioned as she stood, he could definitely tell she was standing with a hand on her hip and a large weapon over her shoulder. Sometimes, it's more dangerous for people to bored than it is for other people. Atsushi realized why everyone had evacuated the premises. "Ah? No one here?" Yosano pouted. "Aaa, no one to heal.. how boring." Oh dear.. yeah, and given the fact mostly everyone has nothing to do, she could definitely convince some of them to let her heal them over and over. It's not like they could say they were busy as an excuse.

  Yosano walks around the office for about five minutes, humming a deathly tune. Eventually, she lets out an exasperated groan and leaves the office, shutting the door. Atsushi let out a sigh in relief, laying his head down on the floor, relaxing himself. Thank God.. I'm safe, ha.. Yosano can be so incredibly scary, sometimes..

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