A Dragon's Pet (Shibufyo)

792 8 6

Word count: 3104

Warnings: NSFW


Shibusawa walked through the hallway, footsteps echoing. To anyone else, the walls made of crystal would be agitating to their eyes. But to the dragon, they were beautifully illuminating. He quite liked them. He had a thing for pretty things. He made his way to the front door, making no detours as he opened it and stepped out of his fortress.

Shibusawa was lucky to be born what would be considered a dragon. He had the ability to shift into a seventy five foot long dragon. However, most of the time he stayed in his human form, a twenty five foot tall human-dragon hybrid. Most humans were inclined to believe his kind didn't exist. He had no problem with such a thing. Let humans be foolish; They always had been.

Shibusawa stepped into the forest. The trees towered over his head. They must be fifty feet tall, at the very least. The larger part of the world was never seen by humans. He rather liked it that way. Save for the regular sized animals that accidentally wandered into the forest and got eaten by the very same animal that was more than five times it's size, the forest had animals proportional to Shibusawa. A 3'10 bunny was not uncommon.

Shibusawa sat down on a large bench, also made for his kind. Speaking of his kind, there were a few other fortresses. Most were lived in by dragon folk, however there was one a good few miles from his own that was taken refuge by an unknown species of creatures. He often debated going to investigate it himself, but it was like that fortress had a mutual understanding with the rest. No one from their fortress came investigating the dragons, so the dragons would not poke their nose into their fortress. A silent deal.

He crossed one leg over the other. Shibusawa was considered a beauty amongst dragons. His eyes were ruby red, eyelashes long that fluttered when he blinked. His hair was as white as quartz, falling elegantly behind him, parts braided and a small part over his shoulder. His skin was pale, not as pale as his platinum hair, of course. Should he deem it necessary, his hands and forearms can shift into red claws. His feet can do the same, but he only does that if he needs a firm grip on the ground beneath him. A singular red horn is capable of making its way out of his forehead. At one point, his face and body would grow scales. However, he thinks he doesn't look as beautiful like that. It tarnished his beauty, so he's trained himself to only guard his body with scales if he needed it as armor.

Shibusawa was distracted from his thoughts as six bunnies ran past him. How curious, they never traveled in packs like that before. He stood up, going to follow them. He saw them crowding around a pile of leaves. "Excusez moi, les amis." He purred, and gently tapped at one of the bunny's tails. It turned to him and it's nose twitched before running off. Its friends followed close behind. "How curious.." when he got here, there were ten rabbits. If he hadn't shooed them away, he's sure many more would have rallied. But what would've been the cause for such a thing? Carefully, he plucks leaves off of the small piles with his finger nails, delicately placing them aside as though glass.

Shibusawa tilted his head, squinting his eyes. "Oh dear.." He very carefully picked up the small thing with two fingers, placing it in the palm of his hand. A mere nine inch bunny. A stray from where the humans lay. It's hind leg was bleeding. It must've gotten wounded. "Poor thing.. you've wandered into territory unsafe for your kind." The bunny seemed to be asleep. "What might've harmed such an innocent creature?" Shibusawa closed his eyes. The wound wasn't big enough to be caused by one of his own. He looks down at the floor again and finds one of his own bunnies. Three foot ten, with a grey thing in its mouth. What looked like a tiny wolf. "I see.." he knelt down to pat the bunny with his free hand. "Well done, lapine." He smiled softly and stood back up, looking at the bunny in his hand. "It would be immensely cruel for me to release you back into the wild in this state, my friend."

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