Look Pretty (Soukoku)

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Word count: 2000

Warnings: NSFW


  A dim, soft, red light illuminated the room. It's not like it was night time, and the sky had been graced with a crimson red blood moon. No; It was very much say. But see, that was the issue. Chuuya Nakahara couldn't live in the sun, and that included sunlight coming in from windows. So, his curtains were tinted heavily, dark colors creating purple and red light where he saw fit.

  The vampire himself, Chuuya Nakahara, sat on the plush mattress of his bed, lighting a cigarette with a lighter. He set the lighter down after fiddling with it for no real reason, and takes the cigarette between his pointer and middle finger. He took a breath in, moved the cigarette away, and let a breath out, releasing a cloud of smoke that dissipated into the room's oxygen. He sighs, running a hand through his hair. His hair felt greasy.. when was the last time he showered? Ah, he didn't feel like getting clean right now. But he supposed, that's what he had a maid for. Chuuya extends his hand to the night stand that he'd put the lighter on, and tightly grabs onto a rope, tugging it. The rope was connected through a system of holes in the walls, connected to bells, to let his maid know when assistance was needed.

  Chuuya hears soft tapping of Mary Jane shoes as his maid nears his room. He takes another inhale of his cigarette and breaths out. He catches a glimpse of the door handle turning, and the door itself is pushed open to reveal his beautiful maid.

  Osamu Dazai. A gorgeous, tall, slender man with brown, fluffy hair that he could play with for hours. His eyes were large and round, and always shining in some way. His stance was polite, courteous, though shy all at once. For some reason, the title 'maid' fit much better than 'butler' did. Neither of them minded it; It's not like the red head actually ever referred to him as "Maid". No; He was Dazai. A beautiful human who Chuuya was lucky to have employed with him.

  "Chuuya requested my assistance?

  Chuuya closed his eyes to intake that sweet, sweet voice. He wasn't sure what Dazai had been doing before this, but he seemed particularly pathetic this morning. "I did." He smiled softly. "..I'm in need of a bath." He stated. The red head had never asked Dazai to bathe him before, but it was a normal duty listed when he was hired. Dazai blinked in surprise, but wordlessly nodded.

  Carefully, he lifted Chuuya up into his arms. Chuuya was very strong, and weighed a lot due to muscle. Dazai was, for lack of a better expression, a stick. Tall, perhaps, but slim and weak, all things considered. But he still managed to carry Chuuya. He walked out of his room, to the purple and red illuminated castle. Some candles gave a more realistic writing, but besides not being able to live in the sunlight, Chuuya just genuinely enjoyed the dark more. Whether it was because he was a vampire or not, he didn't know.

  Dazai's arms trembled as he carried Chuuya. The red head assumed it was because he had difficulty carrying him. But.. perhaps it was something else..? Ah, who knew? Dazai carried Chuuya to the bathroom, and set him down on the side of the bath tub. Dazai's still trembly hands began to carefully removed articles of Chuuya's clothing, one by one. Chuuya took the opportunity to examine his face. How odd; It appeared that he was flustered. But from what?

  Chuuya chuckled quietly. Ah, this would be his first time seeing him naked. Of course, he was entirely aware of Dazai's infatuation with him. Whenever he'd clean and Chuuya would walk by, Dazai's eyes would flicker and his work would become slightly sloppy; He'd always make some kind of mistake. It was cute, but the red head never commented on it. Dazai paused for a noticeable moment when it was time to strip Chuuya of his boxers and leave him in nothing. He does so, and then quickly hurries to look away and turn on the water in the tub. "Uhm.. how come you couldn't have done this yourself?" It's not a rude question, simply a flustered and curious one. Chuuya chuckled softly.

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