No Need To Lie (Sigmaki)

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Word Count: 4000


Also it's a modern more peaceful AU


Saki checked her phone. It was twenty minutes after Atsushi said he'd be here to pick her up, and yet it seemed that- he wasn't. She sighed, and sat down on a bench in front of the store she was at. She didn't actually buy anything, it was more of examining the new items they had in stock. But in the end, Saki decided she didn't really need anything from this clothing shop. And so, she was waiting for Atsushi to pick her up.

After an hour is when she finally decided to message him.

Where r u - Saki

Ten minutes with no response, and finally after those ten minutes—

I'm rlly sorry ): I got stuck in a sudden meeting. My boss is addressing a serious issue and upcoming events. I'm super sorry - Sushi

Saki sighed softly, typing back.

It's not ur fault :] I'll just walk home, no worries.

He was supposed to pick her up at six thirty. And it was now seven forty. Saki stood up, beginning to walk. She knew if she wanted any chance of getting home before dark, that she should walk very fast. Heck, maybe even run. But that would be excessive.

Saki eyed the sky as it seemed to be getting darker much quicker than it should've been. She narrowed her eyes, but didn't stop walking. Clouds, she realized. Okay.. that's fine. She could deal with it being a little colder and darker sooner. She picked up the pace in her walking. She was past buildings now, walking on sidewalks beside woods. Street lamps were her only light. She felt paranoid.

And then she flinched, stopped walking, and brought her hand to her face. She felt something cold, wet. She swiped her finger over her cheek. Water. It started out as a sprinkle. Her regular attire was a white button up and a black skirt with suspenders. The sky had seemed so clear until now. She sped walked, and a drizzle became rain. Hard rain.

Saki crossed her arms over her chest, for warmth. She bit her lip as she began running. She hated this. Paranoia was all that accompanied her.

Eventually she came across a brighter light than the ones that lit the dim sidewalk. A bus stop, a sheltered bus stop with a bench, and lights. Saki slowed down and came to a stop there, quickly sitting down on the bench with her arms over her chest. It's so cold.. Saki took a small breath.

It was nearly pitch black outside thanks to the whether, no moonlight in sight. Saki groaned quietly. Wasn't this just the ideal situation? A white, now see through shirt, in the dark, by herself, a girl. Sure, she always had her ability, but what good would it do if she was attacked from behind? No eyes, no nothing. She wasn't even sure what she'd do if someone tried to take advantage of the situation. She'd probably be forced to manifest something, and it was more than likely that something would be them out of existence.

Saki considered calling one of her friends. But in the end decided against it. She doubted any of them wanted to be out in the rain at the moment. And she knew that if she asked anyone, they'd most likely say yes. She knew quite a lot of people, thanks to her brother.

Atsushi worked at a detective agency, where Saki knew Yosano, Tanizaki, Kenji, Kyouka, Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo, and some of the other staff members from.

A few months ago, Atsushi had made a new friend, a guy named Sigma, who outed the company he worked for for the crimes they'd been committing. Sigma and Atsushi had become very good friends and of course in the process, that meant Sigma and Saki did too. Despite not knowing him as long as the others, she felt like she had. Like they'd been friends as long as she and Atsushi had.

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