Voodoo (Dazatsu) Pt. 2

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Word Count: 1964

Warnings: s//icide

Atsushi sat at his desk. The sun rose, and in came Kunikida. Atsushi didn't notice him. His head was resting on his desk that was covered with unfinished reports. "Atsushi?" The blonde raised an eyebrow. Atsushi had stayed late to "finish reports". But it looked like he hadn't even touched them. But it didn't look like Atsushi had fallen asleep either, given the bags under his eyes. It was as though the whole time he'd just been sitting there watching paint dry... or something.

Atsushi said nothing. He simply stayed laying his head on his messy desk. He felt shitty. He hated how he felt and he knew who's fault it was. But he couldn't bring himself to even be upset at anyone but himself. Dazai was one of the most untrustworthy people when it came to affairs of "love". Why would Atsushi believe even for a second that Dazai loved him? Wanted him for anything more than just to please himself?

Eventually more people walked in. Atsushi didn't hear any of that either. He didn't feel eyes on him, which made him so upset. He wanted Dazai to at least look at him. But if he ended up feeling eyes, how would he even know it was Dazai? Atsushi felt a hand under his chin that lifted his head. The clock read 12:20 pm. What..? No way. Kunikida just walked in a few seconds ago.. when the sun rose. At around 7 am. Right? Wasn't that what just happened?

His face didn't drop when the hand let go. Kunikida huffed and crossed his arms. "I told you... he's been out of it all day. Even yesterday. I don't think he did anything over night here but just stare at nothing." For one of the very few times in his life, Kunikida felt concerned for Atsushi. Atsushi lifted his head fully and looked up to see who was there. Kunikida... and then the President and Yosano. Apparently, Kunikida had been trying to get his attention verbally for several minutes.

  "I see." Fukuzawa murmured softly. "Yosano..?"

  Yosano huffed, crossing her arms. "I don't think this is something that my ability is gonna be able to fix this."

  "Why don't you go home for the day, Atsushi?" Fukuzawa asked calmly.

  It was as though that was the only thing Atsushi heard. He didn't wanna go home. He didn't wanna see that stupid couch, that stupid bed. He slowly shook his head. "No.. I-I'll do my reports. Sorry." He seemed so against going home, it definitely surprised the three. Yosano huffed.

  "You're going home. Doctors orders." Yosano stated before quite literally picking up Atsushi and tossing him over her shoulder. "He doesn't seem sick." She told Fukuzawa casually. "I'll lttt and figure out what's wrong."

  And she left the office. Atsushi hung on her back, and it was obvious he'd passed out otherwise he'd surely be protesting more. Dazai lifted his head from his laptop, watching the doctor and weretiger walk off. He bit his lip and just looked back at his lap top. He didn't know what to do.

Yosano laid Atsushi down on the couch in the living room of his dorm. She knew nothing was wrong with him physically. She helped herself to wine. Or she tried to. Come to find the only drinks Atsushi owned were apple juice and water. No worries, she likes apple juice. The doctor sat down on the chair across from Atsushi's couch, putting two and two together. Atsushi scrambled to leave early that day and then Dazai was sent to check on him. Neither were heard of until the next day . And then, Dazai seemed strangely avoiding of Atsushi. Not talking, even looking at him. And Atsushi seemed so down and devastated as of late...

Atsushi woke up a few hours later, groaning and sitting up. "That wasn't nearly enough sleep." Yosano stated softly.

"Mm..?" He tiredly looked at her and sighed. "Oh... sorry.." oh. He's on the couch. The couch. He felt his eyes water but he quickly wiped them, attempting to leave them unnoticed. "I'll... I'll go back to work now." He stands. And then collapses. Yosanos quick to catch him.

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