Rendered Speechless (Dazatsuchu)

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Dazai x Chuuya x Atsushi

Word count: 2924

Warnings: NSFW


Atsushi yawned as he sat up, stretching his arms with a tired groan. He stayed up way too late last night, accomplishing nothing but being on his phone. Like some of y'all 🤨📸

He slipped out of bed, practically stumbling to the ground with a thud. Groaning, he stood up. He yawned.

He was most definitely not ready for today.

Atsushi didn't look at the time, just grabbed clean clothes and went to the shower. He found body hair uncomfortable on his own self for some reason, so often shaved every last bit of it off. He also really enjoyed the smell of shampoos and body washes so really just wasted money using too much.

But it also made him feel clean, and in the end that's what really mattered. Feeling healthy and awake after his shower, he got dressed in clean clothes and brushed his hair. He had a day off today. The others would be at the Agency now and again if they do chooses, but it wasn't mandatory.

So, he dressed in a white short sleeve button up, and blue jeans that were a little too baggy and had to be held up with a brown belt. He put on white sneakers and tied his shoe laces. Dressing like this really did make him feel sort of accomplished. Like, he really got out of bed and put something that looks good together. He was proud of himself.

Atsushi hummed, thinking. Maybe if he and Dazai were lucky enough, today Chuuya would have also gotten the day off..? The three loved to spend every moment that they possibly could with each other, but only the two of them worked at the agency so it was hard to work around it, but they of course did make it possible. What would their relationship be if they couldn't?

He checked Dazai's location to see it was at the Agency. He walked out of his house, locking the door and then beginning his walk there.

Summer had just started. It was all so nice. The sky was clear and people were walking up and down streets happily. People were going swimming, eating ice cream, doing summer things. Atsushi loved summer.

He arrived at the agency, humming as he walked into the office. "Hello." He chimed as he walked in. Only Tanizaki and Yosano were there.

"Oh, hey Atsushi." Yosano smiled. "Did you get hurt?" Her eyes sparkled with hope.

"No." He smiled nervously. "I just.. was looking for Dazai and his location said he was here." He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh, that's because he left his phone here." Tanizaki held up Dazai's phone. "I was going to wait until tomorrow so he could get it back, unless he came back today. Do you plan on staying?"

"Ah, not really. I was just looking for Dazai." Atsushi hummed.

"Well, he's most likely at home." Tanizaki placed the phone in Atsushi's hand. "Here." He smiled. "Just give it back to him when you see him, is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure! No problem." Atsushi smiled and put the phone in his pocket. "Bye, guys."

"See you later- And if you ever get hurt, don't be afraid to come riiiiight back here." Yosano smiled sweetly yet menacingly at the same time.

"S-Sure, I'll do that." With a nervous smile, he walked out of the Agency office and out of the building.

Atsushi wasn't surprised Dazai had left his phone. He wasn't exactly the most responsible person. The walk there was quiet. Sometimes quiet walks were nice, but Atsushi was a talkative and friendly person, who liked being around others.

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