Make The Touch Go Away (Dazatsu)

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Word count: 3345

Warnings: Sexual harassment, sexual assault, r//pe, etc.
Extreme angst


Atsushi hummed quietly as he began to write. He was honestly excited. Today he would have his first mission running an errand. He was a little anxious of course, but also was excited. More anxious. Very anxious. Yeah, just anxious.

What if he messed up?

He sighed and stood up, taking the file of papers he was meant to deliver to some business man. He didn't know much about him, but then it's not like Atsushi went around attempting to know everyone in the city. He was much too shy and anxious for that.

Atsushi began his walk there. He was thankful he didn't get lost. He wanted to do perfect for his first time going to deliver something. Once there, he entered the large office building and spoke with the receptionist who informed him where the office was.

Atsushi gave the man the files. And that was it. That was all that was supposed to happen. But it wasn't.

This man began to make regular deliveries with the agency, to get paperwork and such rather than- wherever he usually did it. The second time it happened, Dazai was sent. The third time, Atsushi was specifically asked for. Of course, he thought that meant he did a good job and made a good impression. It made him happy. It was a positive thing.

The next five times were normal, until the man offered him something like a snack or drink, which Atsushi would politely decline. Once he started to accept, it became a regular thing.

And Atsushi was happy. He thought he'd made a friend. If making friends is this easy, maybe my life won't be so bad after all. After all, he'd already made friends with everyone in the agency, and now this man. That made him really happy.

That was until the touching. It wasn't anything too bad.. at first. He was pat on the head, which he kind of didn't like. But he also didn't want to upset his new friend or seem like he was over reacting, so he said nothing.

And then it became slight taps on the shoulders, that turned into rubbing his shoulders. Then an arm around him. Always sitting just a little bit too close. But they were friends, and this is how friends acted with each other, wasn't it?

Then it just became invasive. Touching his arm, calling his skin soft. Even one time he lifted Atsushi's shirt to see if his "skin was soft everywhere or if it was just his arms." Atsushi had expressed discomfort- the man didn't seem to care.

And then it all just became harassment. Sexual comments, jokes, touching- and Atsushi didn't know how to deal with a single one of those things. He'd never felt so uncomfortable before. He thought he'd made a friend, and yet he didn't think you were supposed to leave feeling gross whenever you hang out with a friend.

"Atsushi?" Dazai poked Atsushi's nose.

"Mm?" Atsushi blinked a few times.

"Jeez, you sure are a space cadet." Dazai smiled, poking his nose. Dazai was perfect. An actual friend, someone who Atsushi found immense comfort in. Someone that Atsushi would be okay with touching him like that. But he'd never say that. He wasn't even sure he could imagine touching as a good thing anymore.

But at least he still had his V card.

"Sorry- what were you saying?" Atsushi smiled.

"You got your errand to run again today." Dazai smiled and set a package on his desk. "For that office guy who always requests you. You must be a really good worker." He praised him and ruffled his hair.

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