Weasel (Tsumori)

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This is formatted for ao3 so bare w me TOT

Word count: 4573
TW: attempted SA


  "Your actions will be monitored." Mori hummed, the sentence being the conclusion to the lengthy task that Tsubaki had been given. However lengthy and convoluted it may be, she was not at all bothered. "You're the only one who knows your actions will be monitored. It's for evaluation purposes. I expect you not to blabble."

  Tsubaki tilted her head with a small chuckle. "Have I ever?" She puts her hands behind her back. "I suppose we'll be leaving tomorrow morning, yes?"

  "Correct." Mori nodded. Her, and two others who were assigned to this task. "You're dismissed."

  "Wonderful." Tsubaki turned on her heel and took her leave. She had been on many long term missions before. Though it hadn't really been monitored before. Not that she ever did anything to need to be monitored. This was simply an evaluation for those she was working with.

  A man, five foot eleven. He had black hair that was short and a little bit messy with matched black eyes. Nothing captivating about him, and he had no ability. No surprise to Tsubaki. Despite not having been in No Name for quite some time, she still remembered the files of everyone who existed then. Though was not of the same knowledge of people who had been born or moved to the city after she left her organization.

  The other companion was a woman with long pink hair tied into a braid. She had white eyes, and had once had an ability. The ability to control someone's heart by looking into their soul. However, overusing it came with great consequence; blindness. Her eyes are of no use, and therefore neither is her ability. She wondered if this was a test of her combat skills to see if she had any worth now that her ability was useless. Well, she didn't really care. She was simply there to get the job done.

  Tsubaki returned home, changing into comfortable sleepwear and then letting herself fall asleep. As always, she dreamed of nothing. As always, she felt intrusive scuffling around her brain. Very unwelcome, she's not sure why it's still there. Perhaps it's memories of feeling the centipede that had once infested her mind, but had been removed. Regardless, she wakes up early the next morning to get ready.

  She meets with the two who she'll be working with. They both seem to have quite fun personalities; the man's more laid back and chill whilst the woman was quite bubbly. Tsubaki can tell the job will get done quite easily; It won't be something she has to worry about.

  The two catch the suspect by the end of the night and kill him. Tsubaki's interference was minimal, as it was a test for them. However not so minimal to the point that it was suspicious. The three were in a room attached to a bar, where you could get in depending on status to simply relax or do other activities if one should choose to.

  "I still don't understand why <i>I</i>had to be used as bait." The man huffed. 29, If Tsubaki remembered correctly. Twenty nine years old.

  "Oh, shush!" The girl, 18, her name was — Rize, if she remembered correctly. Rize.. and the man's name was .. Takami. Takami and Rize.. Tsubaki had to hand it to them, she didn't expect them to be able to handle this so well. Though it was more thanks to Rize.. Takami had no plan and Rize made one up as she went. They're both quite capable, even if their methods were a bit risky and, at times, quite stupid.

  The room they were in had mostly reddish-brown wood for walls, and concrete for flooring. There was a square table with four chairs, though only two were in use because Rize and Takami were sitting whilst Tsubaki was standing. "Alright! I'm gonna go get drinks!" Rize exclaims and stands. Tsubaki chuckled softly.

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