Sweet Obliviousness (Ransushi)

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(There is no AU :)) it's just the BSD plot)

(Warnings: getting really annoyed by how stupid Atsushi is)

Word count: 5230

Word count: 5230

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  "Cominggg, coming." Ranpo mumbled all grumpily. He didn't wanna get up. The bed was just too comfy. He huffed, taking a good minute to push himself out of the bed and onto the floor with a loud thud.

  "...owwww." He whined, making himself sit up, huffing. Come on. It's only 12:30 pm. So what if he's three and a half hours late? Why'd he have to get up for?

  Ranpo made himself stand up, praying to lord heavenly Jesus almighty that it was just some package being delivered. After all, the delivery service in Yokohama was known for being annoyingly persistent.

  The ravenette didn't bother brushing his hair, or putting a shirt on, or even properly waking up. He just stumbled to the door, opening it just a tiny bit. Peeking out through it. "...who is it?" He definitely didn't seem very... enthusiastic about being woken up.

  "Oh... hey, Sushi." He sighed and opened the door. Atsushi stood on his front porch, looking incredibly worried or panicked. Of course, he seemed a lot more relieved once he saw the ravenette.

  "Jeez-! Do you have any idea what time it is!?" He put a hand up to his forehead.

  "Ohhh, probably about twelve thirty!" He chimed. "It's too early." He sighed.


  "Did Kunikida send you to come get me, Sushi? You know I don't like hiiiim. Don't make me not like you toooo." Ranpo actually was physically incapable of disliking Atsushi.

  "No— he didn't. I just- got worried! It's been three and a half hours. Normally you just are late by an hour or so. If it's any later you normally call, or text, or— something!" Atsushi frowned, showing him his phone as if to show him the time of day, even though he already knew.

  "Woahhhh, Sushi was worried about me? He must be in love with me or something!" He fake gasped.

  "Well, duh! You're my best friend." Idiot. Now, Ranpo was very much used to people who's IQ levels didn't match his own. But uh... he expected... just a tiny bit from Atsushi when it came to brain power and such.

  "..." Ranpo just stared at him, before closing the door. "Fiiiiine. Gimme ten minutes." He crossed his arms.

  Atsushi huffed, crossing his arms. Jeez... how could Ranpo be so careless and calm about when he showed up to work? Didn't he realize he'd scared Atsushi whenever he pulled stunts like this. "Honestly... how are you not used to it yet?" Ranpo murmured quietly to himself as he began to properly get ready for the day.

  He brushed out his hair, getting dressed in his normal outfit, tossing his hat on his head. His pockets felt too light. He walked to the pantry, opening the doors to a cabinet.

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