Love Potion (Dazushi)

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(AU: Mafia Dazai, Agency Atsushi)

(Warnings: spicy but not too spicy )

(Word Count: 3453 )



Atsushi's breathing was heavy.
God- he couldn't believe what was happening to him. But besides the heavy breathing and the obvious struggles at the ropes, blindfold and tape over his mouth, he managed to remain calm. He refused to show the enemy that he was— genuinely scared. Understandable enough.


"...God, I'm gonna kill that man." Kunikida grumbled, trying to keep his rage collected as he stomped out of the interrogation room, where Dazai, the leader of the Port Mafia, had been captured and placed in.

To be quite honest, from the very beginning something seemed off to Atsushi. How did they somehow manage to capture him? After all, the security in the Mafia building when it came to the boss was— phenomenal. Even if the rest of their organization was a bit weaker.

The entire time, everyone had been taking turns, genuinely trying to get something out of the obnoxious brunette who managed to piss of Kunikida, Yosano and Tanizaki. And boy was it scary being in the same building as three pissed off agency members and the Port Mafia boss.

"Atsushi." Atsushi squeaked I'm surprised as he felt a sudden yank on his arm. Kunikida began dragging him towards the interrogation room. "You're going."

"Wait- HUH—" no- nononononono—

"You're the only idiot in here who has patience for someone like... that." He hissed in distaste. "Don't look so scared. You're a weretiger. Grow some balls." He huffed. "We still have camera feed of the room."

Atsushi sighed. He honestly hoped they would've just given up interrogating him but— he should've known it would be his turn next. Though he was a bit curious about how long it would take to piss off someone like Kenji.

The white haired male walk through the doors of the interrogation room, closing it behind him. He watched the brunette as he got closer, sitting down in the chair across the table from him. Dazai looked as if he'd relaxed. A small, toothy grin creeping upon his face. He doesn't find me threatening, does he..?

"It took them long enough to send you in." The man chimed, resting his head in his hand. "... Atsushi Nakajima... have I ever told you how beautiful your eyes were?"

"Yeah, think you snuck it in there during your attempts to kill me." Atsushi murmured, clearly not in the mood for his little compliments which he always gave him... even in life or death situations. "I ask the questions, not you."

A sudden pounding on the door. Atsushi instantly stood up, startled by the loud sound. A shout or two or three from the other side. Sounded like- the agency members? The door— it was- no, it couldn't be. He didn't lock it. Atsushi's eyes widened.

Dazai had single handedly locked the door to the interrogation room, somehow had the camera footage and audio completely shut off, as well as the hearing device in Atsushi's ear that would wake him of such a thing. But Atsushi didn't get to turn around to quickly face the brunette.

It always did amaze him. Atsushi was faster than the speed of light and yet Dazai somehow always managed to be faster. Something covered his eyes. "Cmon, don't struggle. It'll be a lot easier for the both of us if you just obeyed, like a good dog~" Dazai hummed.

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