Soft and Warm (Dazatsu)

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Word count: 3700

Warnings: NSFW, G/T


Atsushi groaned quietly as she opened her eyes. Last she remembered, she and Dazai were on a mission. Both of them were faced with a strong opponent, but overcame them. However, that wasn't without consequence. The ability user was able to shrink down its victims to a small size, or grow them into a large size. They could do it with objects, too. They'd stolen banks, cars, which lead to them being a legal problem. They were arrested and apprehended now. But, not before they shrunk Atsushi down to a six inch human. This was quite the predicament. Especially when Dazai had scooped her up quickly, but found that her ability wasn't working on Atsushi at all. It wasn't turning her back.

For now, there was nothing the two ladies could do about it. But Dazai did know that she was definitely worried about keeping Atsushi safe, now more than ever. Dazai had to purchase some doll clothes for her to wear. Her uniform shrunk down with her, but she needed pajamas and comfortable clothes. She deserved that much, at least. Dazai created a small makeshift bed with a folded pillow case, then a small cut out square of a sheet on top of it so Atsushi may be warm when she needed to be. The bed rested on Dazai's night stand.

Atsushi sat up, yawning and stretching her arms. Unfortunately, pretty much no doll manufacturer made little bras for their dolls, so Atsushi only had the one she was wearing during the mission. She would sleep without it, and would have Dazai wash it every night. Speaking of Dazai, she looked over to see that she wasn't resting on her bed, as she normally would. Normally she never woke up early, so this was a surprise. Atsushi heard the shower running, and so deduces that Dazai's taking a shower. Though she hears the water shut off, and a few moments later a hair dryer blowing.

Atsushi, meanwhile, gets off his makeshift bed and looks at the neatly folded clothing options next to his bed. She removes her pastel blue night gown, in favor of putting on her bra and a white dress. It was the softest of them and felt like real clothing rather than clothing for dolls. She stands up straight, arching her back as she stretched her arms. She uses a hairbrush also made for dolls (and it took forever to find an actual functional hairbrush), and brushes her hair. By the time she's done, she looks over to see the knob of the bathroom door open, and Dazai walk out.

She's so beautiful. Atsushi's cheeks turn pink. Dazai's hair was fluffy and brushed out, resting behind her back. She wore the beige pair of high waisted shorts she always did for work, and a white strapless bra. All of her bandages were off, which revealed her very beautiful and scarred skin. In one hand was her towel, and on top of the towel was a white halter top. Such casual clothes must mean she won't be going to work that day, which is more time to spend with Atsushi.

Dazai's eyes fall on her and she smiled. "Oh, you're awake. Morning~" She chimed, favoring going over to place as gentle a kiss on Atsushi's forehead rather than putting on her shirt. Atsushi giggled softly as Dazai delicately kissed the top of her head.

"Good morning." She smiled. Atsushi had become a lot more accustomed to the size difference since this whole ordeal had happened. At first, she had even been scared of her girlfriend. But now, perhaps, things had calmed down and relaxed.

"You're so cute." Dazai giggled and lifted Atsushi up into her hand, setting her on her shoulder.

"Ah—" Atsushi felt a bit nervous. Normally she had a piece of clothing, like a sleeve or strap, that she could hang onto when she was on Dazai's shoulder. But now she doesn't, and she doesn't want to harm her by grabbing onto her hair or ear. Atsushi just counts on not falling. She supposed if she did fall, she always had the choice of grabbing onto Dazai's bra or shorts if she can. Thoughts wander and suddenly she feels her stomach flip; What if she fell down her bra? She cups her pink face with her hands. It's not as though the two hadn't seen each other naked or hadn't had sex when they were at their regular size. But something about it now just seemed so.. embarrassing.

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