Say You Love Me (Ransushi)

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Word count: 2543


  "I don't like it. It's weird and creepy. Why does it look like that?" Ranpo huffed as he poked the robot's forehead.

  "It just looks like a person."

  "That's the problem! It's way too human like." Ranpo crossed his arms.

  "It cost a lot of money and it is a gift so I won't be taking it back." Fukuzawa huffed. "It's useful. All of its settings are default so name or whatever you want. It'll have no personality so don't worry about it being human and freaking you out." He waved his hand dismissively before returning to his own office.

  Ranpo grumbled and brought a hand to the robot's neck, pressing a button to turn it on. The eyes that seemed so human lit up just a little bit to signify he was turned on. A robot. More accurately, an android. Taller than him, white, very badly cut hair that had a black streak. Who designed this? It wore a grey jacket, grey pants, a white button up and it had a blue circle on the temple of its head. "..." The robot's eyes moved left to right and he blinked. Why did it look so human? "Creepy.." Ranpo murmured.

  "Please choose a name." The robot spoke. His name sounded human too, not produced by a voice box.


  "Uhm. Is this the name you wanna choose?" Ranpo frowned as the robot spoke. Wanna? That wasn't- a word. That's a human thing. This thing should've sat want to. He huffed.


  "Please choose a name." It repeated.

  Ranpo crossed his arms. He didn't wanna be here... he wanted to go out and get food. Food sounded nice. "Sushi." He blurted out.

  "Sushi. Is this the name you want to choose?" And then the robot didn't say wanna. It said want to. Ranpo already got off vibes from it, now that it was turned on.


  Sushi's eyes then fell on Ranpo now. "Hi." Ranpo frowned as the robot spoke. Hi? It should say hello. These things were said to be so sophisticated in their speech that it was obnoxious. Ranpo crossed his arms.

  "Hey." Ranpo noticed that Sushi seemed to be fidgeting with his fingers slightly behind his back. Were they supposed to do that? "Well.. I'm a detective and you're my assistant now, so follow me." He huffed and turned, walking to his desk. Sushi followed and simply stood next to his desk. "...what do you do when you have nothing to do?"

  "Wait for.." why did it hesitate? " to tell me what to do." Ranpo looked up at him.

  "Solve this case." He handed Sushi a file. The white haired android opened the file, and within five seconds of scanning all of the information in it,—

  "It's the department store owner." Sushi and Ranpo speak at the same time. Ranpo, because he thought Sushi would take too long to say the answer. And Sushi, because he was answering the case. They both looked at each other and for a moment, Ranpo swore those vacant robot eyes showed some type of human emotion. "I'm sorry I spoke over you." The robot bowed his head. I apologize for speaking over you. That's what this robot should've said.

  "It's fine. I'm surprised.. guess their androids really are high tech..." Ranpo sighed and took the case file, putting it away and typing up the report and submitting it. As he did so, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Sushi had began to play with his hair. Fake hair. Was it supposed to have little kinks like a human? It was acting like one. His posture wasn't straight and nearly unachievable like it was supposed to be. There was something wrong with this android. It had human flaws.

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